Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

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We regret to inform you that we have made the hard decision to discontinue The School of Remembering website.

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We hope you continue your learning journey with knowledge and skills you gained from The School of Remembering and would suggest exploring content on GAIA.COM for further content on health, peace and wellness.

Official Certified Active Teachers List

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go to the new home of the new Awakening The Illuminated Heart website, www.rememberingtheheart.com for information about upcoming ATIH workshops taught by teachers certified by Drunvalo Melchizedek. There you will find a list of certified teachers, a calendar of upcoming events as well as content related to the ATIH workshops. My personal link to my Website Adrian Constantinescu in the button below Mentor and spiritual pilgrim, Adrian has dedicated his existence to sharing knowledge and guidance to everyone who aspires to have a more conscious, fruitful life, ...

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Adriana Garavito



Hello , this is just a little info about me l was born in mexico city , my home town , l love my country and my roots , but also l love to travel , and visit new places and meet new people. Love has been my ultimate source in life, since many years ago, when l discovered that love is all that is around us, and if we really know this,our life changes forever!, we become happy beings sharing this love to the world! and that becomes our only purpose in life to be shining love to others around us , this becomes our life!!! We feel the unity in all, and this is what the new merkaba is all about, love and oneness!! l am also a meditation teach...

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Andrea Gabriella Juhasz



My name is Andrea Gabriella Juhasz. I grew up in Hungary and was an Industrial Charted Accountant. I am inviting you to join me in discovering the wonderful journey that Drunvalo Melchizedek is leading us on. A nevem: Juhasz Andrea Gabriella. Magyarországon születtem, az eredeti szakmám mérlegképes könyvelő. Sok szeretettel meghívlak,hogy tapasztald meg velem azt a csodálatos utat, amit Drunvalo Melchizedek hozott vissza nekünk. Mélyen eldugva a szivedben van egy fantasztikus titok. Van egy ici- pici hely ott amiben az élet forrása él...

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Andreas Beutel



Seit 1973 lebe ich in Dresden. Nach einer klassischen Berufsausbildung habe ich 1995 ein Physikstudium angefangen. Parallel dazu begann ich, mich intensiv mit Geometrie, freier Energie, Meditation und Bewusstseinsentwicklung zu beschäftigen. Ich interessierte mich für Alternativen zu unserer etablierten Weltsicht. Als ich 1995 das erste Mal von Drunvalo Melchizedek gehört habe, berührte mich die Klarheit der Heiligen Geometrie und der Blume des Lebens zutiefst. Ich fing an, diese Sprache intensiver zu studieren und wurde bereits ein Jahr später Lehrer für das Wissen um die Mer-Ka-Ba und Flower of Life. Seit 1997 unterrichte ich reg...

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Barbara Grunder



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Beverly (Bj) Hambleton


United States

Once upon a time in July of 1999, a dear friend and spiritual counselor called and asked if I had heard of Drunvalo Melchizadek and the Flower of Life. I admitted my ignorance. Helen knew I had been on the spiritual journey since 1973 when shortly after getting married, my husband and I used about every penny we had and enrolled in the EST training. This was truly a wake up experience for me. And I have never been the same since! My friend excitedly told me that one of her students had recommended the 28 hours of video by Drunvalo. Since her TV was on the blink, she strongly suggested, or requested (!) that we rent each two hour seg...

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Camellia Val



Camellia Val is a living example of how to turn your dreams into reality. She is a Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Bowen Therapist, Reiki Master. As a Certified Teacher by Drunvalo Melchizedek since 2013, she has been teaching Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop globally about Light Body Merkaba activation from the Heart. For the best experience she offers an optional 3h online preparation a week prior. In addition, Camellias passion inspired her to create her own courses: Find The Healer Within teaching energy techniques for self healing, Galactic Journeys exploring astral travel using Merkaba, and her 8-week on...

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Darlene Waddell


United States

‘Awakening The Illuminated Heart’ ~ the ancient and sacred teachings of Drunvalo MelchizedekDarlene is one of approximately 200 Certified Teachers of the School of Remembering® worldwide who has been entrusted to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop/meditations. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering® She is deeply honored and grateful for being given this unique opportunity to be of service to humanity through sharing these sacred teachings during this time of great transformation on Earth. The Awakening The Illuminated Heart (ATIH) workshop is the culmination of Drunvalos li...

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Dmitry Glukhov


United States

My name is Dmitry Glukhov. I was born in Russia and came to the US in the 90s. Read Drunvalos books and really resonated with his knowledge. When Drunvalo was doing his teacher training, I got really excited, applied and got certified as a teacher. I am based in Salt Lake City, Utah in the US, but I am happy to travel to any part of the world to share the teachings. I love sharing Drunvalos teachings, I find them essential to understand this reality in these times we are in. It is a manual to this game called life. Drunvalos teachings are not just really interesting, they are very applicable and do work in real life. Drunvalo invites you t...

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Elena Burton



My name is Elena Burton. I like helping people to find their path, to live their best life by sharing amazing techniques and methods. I will show you how to put things in order in your head and in your businesses efficiently and carefully.I provide people with psychological consulting, hypnotherapy, coach sessions, conduct workshops and seminars.We can interact with you on a short-term basis, or I can take you on a long-term contract, mentoring.Originally from Russia, I moved to Australia in 2007 and have what people often describe as a diverseprofessional background, prior to moving into the world of coaching and psychology, I become an e...

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Evelyn Viviana Guerra


United States

Evelyn is one of approximately 300 worldwide certified teachers of the School of Remembering® that has been entrusted to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering® Council. Born in Peru, Evelyn moved to the United States at the young age of 9. Since very young she knew that life was more than what appears on the surface. She fell in love with music, dancing, writing poetry, and acting. The creative arts propelled her and guided her to higher levels of consciousness. Being able to tune in to these higher realms of creativity showered her wi...

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Georgi Georgiev



Предстоящи дати за семинара Пробуждане на Озареното Сърце с Георги: ❤ 13 - 16 март 2020 г. в София ❤ Всички Събития и Семинари с Георги Георгиев в Център Сен Жермен Георги Георгиев е сертифициран за учител в Школата по Припомняне от Друнвало Мелхизедек през април 2013 година. Духовните търсения на Георги започват преди повее от 20 години. Между 1997 и 2004 година инт...

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Hira Hosen



❤️ Do not try to open your heart, just recognize your Heart is already open.” ~ Hira Hosèn ...

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Iliana Dima



A few years ago I was “guided” to visit Egypt to participate in a seminar related to Drunvalo Melchizedeks work. My life changed completely since. I felt that all this work was a gift from God. It felt reconnected in a way to remember a language that was known to me but not spoken for several years and lives…. All the material shared in this divine workshop is information given by my great teachers Drunvalo Melhisedeck and Claudette Melhisedeck. In the Illuminated Heart workshop you wil receive Information that you shall never forget as they shall change your life forever. It’s knowledge that is written deep inside your cells ...

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Irene Viglia Atton


United Kingdom

Irene is a certified Teacher for the School of Remembering that Drunvalo Melchizedek founded in July 2011. She was one of the first teachers to graduate and start teaching in the world. She is Italian in origins, born in a small town in the North west part of Italy, very close to the radiant Mont Blanc.At the age of 21 she left Italy to move to the UK that is her home and base. She has a degree in International business and a background in international business development. Her strong sense of being at service and wanting to help on this planet brought her through time to discover different traditions and culture, she develop...

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Iryna Eysmont


United States

Please contact me at iryna.eysmont@gmail.com to see the scheduled ATIH workshops in English or Russian, or plan your ATIH experience worldwide adjusted to your schedule . I have been teaching this work since 2014 and it would be my honor to assist your Remembering as a Human and Universal Being. They say when one experiences Universal Love again, there is no way back. And I can definitely state, for me its absolutely true! It happened to me more than thirty years ago, and since then Ive been walking this path to Remember. My biggest excitement and passion is in returning fire of happiness into people’s eyes and hearts, doesnt mat...

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Jacqueline de Rond


Netherlands (Holland)

Jacqueline discovered Drunvalo Melchizedek and his teachings late 90s. Felt homecoming. She feels delighted to be able to present the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop since 2012 in a playful and safe way. Go to rememberingtheheart.com for the worldwide scheduled ATIH workshops. Jacquelines profession is psychotherapist-healer, since 40 years.. ...

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Jason Hunt


United States

Please check out the ATIH teachers website for further information and to find a workshop near you! ATIH teachers website: https://www.rememberingtheheart.com/ Personal website: https://waterprana.net/ Jason Hunt received his ATIH teacher certification on May 11, 2012 after finishing the required training set by the School of Remembering® and Drunvalo Melchizedek. Jason is one of about 300 people certified world-wide in the School of Remembering® to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® meditation. He was trained and selected by the School of Remembering® Council and Drunvalo Melchizedek. The ATIH workshop is the culmination of ...

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Karen Osborne



Karen is a full-time healer offering integrative sessions that include Crystal healing and aspects of shamanism. She has been operating her practice in the Ottawa area (Ontario, Canada) for more than ten years. Karen is also a teacher and trainer, offering a 5-day certification class in Crystal Healing, a comprehensive 2-year training program in Crystal Shamanism and various other workshops on spiritual topics. Karen is an accredited teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedeks international School of Remembering. She offers Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshops in the Ottawa area and abroad. Karen is also a Teacher Trainer for ICU, Inspiring C...

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Karuna Chapman


United States

I was born and raised in Vancouver Canada. After a year at U.B.C, I became a Medical Laboratory Technologist, married and had two children. When that marriage ended, my kids and I settled in a small town in the Kootenay Mountains of B.C. I had a spontaneous experience of kundalini rising and fell in love with a tiny cactus without understanding why. My spiritual training started when I met a yoga master at a retreat and started to practice the discipline. I met my second husband and we moved to Santa Cruz California to continues our study in an established community here. Years later I studied sufism with an unknown but effective teacher, a...

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Linda Satchell


United States

Linda Purcell Satchell, MA, MFT Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart of The School of Remembering It is an honor and with deep gratitude that I am now teaching this material. Having access to Drunvalo, and this information, has validated many memories and my sense of remembering. As a life long artist, I have always had the ability to explore internal areas not readily traveled by peers. I stumbled into, and have had access to, many internal portals and alternate realities. Due to sensitivities, I have had many extra sensory experiences throughout my life and have had a strong sense of remembering certain information t...

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Lu Ka



BIO Lu Kas near death experience at the age of 11 opened up for him a whole new world of perspectives and a merging with his higher self. This experience was a catalyst for his later spiritual practices, shamanic journeys and working with sacred geometries. Slowly he remembered his mission here on Earth and some of his other lives and parallel realities. The ongoing quest for personal alchemy led him to always go deeper in living from the heart. He is a spiritual innovator and is dedicating most of his life to studying and teaching the workshops where we remember what we already know and who we really are. In 10 years...

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Margery Detring


United States

Margery has loved the natural world all her life, animal, plant, sky, bug and rock. She has been blessed to live in some of Americas most beautiful places, first her parents farm, then living in National Parks with husband and now loving her her dream home of windows (the location for the Van Buren classes) perched on Ozark hills with an 18 mile view of ridges and river-carved valleys, mists rising each morning over the forests. She is trained as teacher and geologist, jewelry maker, primitive basket weaver, and owner of Ancient WayTrader (a Native American art and music company.) Margie began meditating in 1970, and was introduced to the t...

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Maria Lagou


Netherlands (Holland)

Language: EN||NL|GR Workshops : ATIH workshop Holland/Amsterdam: 8-11 October 2020. Welcome on my ATIH teacher page of the School of Remembering! Let me introduce myself. My personal name, as given to me from my parents is: Maria Lagou. My spiritual name, as given to me from Shri Guru Muniraj Maharaj, the incarnation of lord Dattatreya from India, a little time before he passed, is: Sri Lalita Devi which means: Devine Mother of the Ultimate State of Consciousness of Bliss. HEART - PASSION: I can think of no greater honor and joy than to share this information with others and assist in the rediscovery of our True Self in our hearts...

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Marie Pavel



ABOUT MARIE My name is Marie Pavel and I hope to meet you in one of my ATIH workshops. My home is in Melbourne, Australia and I share it with my husband, while my children live their own life, near by. I spent first twenty years of my life in a beautiful Prague at the heart of the Europe. I lived on three continents and traveled a bit and hope to have many more opportunities to explore. My pilgrimages are shared with my husband and /or group of friends. I enjoy connecting with people all over the world and learning from them. My pare...

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Mebbie Jackson


United States

Mebbie Jackson is pleased to be a teacher for the Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops. She works to bring joy and knowledge into her life through her healing practices. She is a massage therapist, a yoga therapist and teacher, and an Acutonics practitioner. She has studied Drunvalos work for five years and believes that his teachings add a richness and depth to her life. She wants to help new students gain the wonderful insights and experiences that the workshop provides. Mebbie brings a life of heart centered practices and the curiosity of a seeker to her teaching. She is always looking for ways to incorporate the metaphysical into ...

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Monica Ljungberg-Öhrn



Jag håller kurser på svenska och engelska i Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland. Kontakta mig för mer info. Biografi på svenska. Se hemsida www.ateljelovas.se Biography: Monica I was six years old and just about to fall asleep one evening, when the room became brighter and the colors more vivid. Two glorious angels descended to stand on either side of my bed. They wanted me to come and assist them. I was taken to an area where there had just been an earthquake. There were children there who did not realize that they were dead. They could not see or feel the angels who were there to help them because they were completely focused...

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Natalia Kolontayevskaya


Russian Federation

We each had our own way, but when we met, we went together and further our roads weren’t already apart. When we shared with each other, there was a lot of in common: each of us heard voices and saw Angels in the childhood, but we couldn’t tell this to anybody, at that time few could understand it. We heard music that nobody heard, heard thoughts and secret wishes of people, traveled in another dimensions, not even understanding what it is. But now we could speak about it and people who were experiencing the same things visited us. In this life we met about 25 years ago, but our joint journey started long ago, infinitely long ago, bef...

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Nerissa See Ngar Fu


Hong Kong

Nerissa has devoted her time in spiritual healing and organizing spiritual teaching in Hong Kong. She was looking for some in-depth but yet practical spiritual teaching that helps people from their daily lives to their path to ascension, and she met the School of Remembering® and the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. Nerissa was a certified public accountant and was working in one of the Big-four professional accountancy firms over a decade. She has been also trained with various spiritual healing modalities, and has started her spiritual teaching in 2011. She would like to invite you to join the Awakening the Illuminated He...

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Pablo McCarte


United Kingdom

merkaba-uk.comFOR MERKABA ACTIVATION @ AVEBURY UK INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is only One Tiny Space of the Heart. When you are in the Tiny Space of your Heart, you are in the Tiny Space of the Universe. With Drunvalos New “Cosmic Grace” teaching progressing extremely fast, The knowledge, skills, Transformation and processes you experience within the ATIH workshops have Never been more essential for you, for me, for “Us” and our Rapidly expanding Consciousness here on Mother Earth! I Feel intense Gratitude to be able to Share the Awakening The Illuminated Heart wor...

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Pamela Nelson


United States

My entire life, I have always been intrigued by all that is seen and unseen - the endless possibilities and the mystery of life. I have searched to find the spiritual truth that joins all people. This search, and my awareness and love of life have brought me here, where I have the extraordinary honor to teach Drunvalos new workshop, Awakening The Illuminated Heart®. There is no greater gift that I have to offer than to share this powerful workshop with you and to help you remember that we are all Divine Beings and in a relationship of Unity with each other and with Spirit. Every moment is one of creation. I am grateful to be alive at thi...

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Paul Reimers


United States

Please go to the new home of the new Awakening the Illuminated Heart Website www.rememberingtheheart.com/ for information about upcoming ATIH Workshops taught by teachers certified by Drunvalo Melchizedek. At https://paulreimers.com/  I blog about Sacred Geometry, Alchemy and Consciousness.  ...

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Renate Brettschneider



Von Herzen lade ich Dich ein, das Wissen und die Erfahrungen zu erleben, die Drunvalo im Workshop Erwecken des erleuchteten Herzens als fundamentales Lebenswerk zusammengestellt hat. Es ist das Herz, das die ursprünglichen Anweisungen des Lebens erhält. Wenn das Herz wieder die Führung innehat, antwortet das Leben mit Kraft und Freude. Ich freue mich, wenn Du Dich gerufen fühlst.  Mehr unter www.herz...

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Ricardo Araiza



In 2007 Drunvalo showed me the way into my own heart. It was the deepest spiritual experience of my life. Thats why I show people how to do that since 2014. For more information about Drunvalo and the workshop visit my website or contact me via E-Mail, WhatsApp or Phone :) 2007 zeigte mir Drunvalo den Weg in mein eigenes Herz. Es war die tiefste spirituelle Erfahrung meines Lebens. Seit 2014 zeige ich deshalb mit grosser Freude anderen, wie das geht. Mehr Infos über Drunvalo und den Workshop gibt es auf meiner Webseite oder auch per Mail, WhatsApp oder Telefon :)             ...

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Sarah Yokokawa



Hi, my name is Sarah. I was born in Miyazaki the southern part of Japan close to Takachiho Gorge where Amaterasu allegedly descended. I have been always with music since I was very little and it naturally became my profession. Throughout my life I had one little question; What is the Glue? What is connecting us, connecting the world? This little question was always with me... even when I was passionately playing music in studios and on stages, and even when I was spending wonderful times with my loved ones... until I met Drunvalo and his teachings. I think i have found the answer to my log-held question. It is rather difficult...

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Silva Sarkissian



I am a Lebanese Armenian, my spiritual journey has been so exiting!! And led me to the School of Remembering of Drunavalo, to become a teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops,my first language is Armenian & my second language is Arabic, Drunvalo said to me putting his right hand on his heart, I have always wanted this knowledge to reach the Mediterranean area & the Arab world, they are my sisters and brothers, and if you are the one to take it to them so be it, you have my blessings. I am willing with great pleasure and love to pass that knowledge on to those who wish it. what motivates me is the dream to see and hel...

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Sumiko Shieri Watanabe


United States

Hello, it may be you who saw my profile by accident.Maybe was not just a coincidence, but perhaps we are connected in our hearts? I have been qualified as an ATIH teacher this life but maybe you were my teacher more than 10,000 years ago. Lets connect our hearts again.I am constantly learning from all students.Lets remember who we really are and that we are all connected with our heart through the workshops....

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Tom De Winter



Tom de Winter is an international bodywork coach and trainer and has over thirty years of experience in giving trainings to companies and members of the public. His website is www.tomdewinter.com In his workshops Tom de Winter guides participants in their mental, emotional and spiritual development by means of bodywork. Tom also hosts private and group sessions as a body consciousness therapist. Tom de Winter established a practice in Maierhöfen (Germany). Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops In the nineties Tom de Winter was officially certified by Drunvalo Melchizedek as a trainer / coach in the ancient knowledge of the Sacred Geome...

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Valentina Scognamiglio



Ho iniziato ad interrogarmi sul senso della vita molto molto presto e l’incontro con un libro sui principi del Buddismo da appena adolescente mi ha aperto le porte del mondo spirituale.  Questa rivelazione mi ha illuminato sul vero senso della mia vita e di tutta la Vita, intesa come Creazione.  Ho sempre sentito di trovarmi su questo meraviglioso Pianeta per un motivo ben specifico, ci ho impiegato tanti anni per capire quale fosse e come renderlo reale nella mia quotidianità.  A momenti alterni la mia ricerca spirituale è proseguita in diversi campi ed in diverse tradizioni: dallestremo oriente allestremo occidente.  Nel 2009 ho...

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Viola Rose


United States

My ongoing Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop offerings: ❤ 4-day ATIH workshops online❤ 4 day ATIH workshops in person in the Sedona Arizona area❤ 2 hour introductory classes online monthly❤ Half-day ATIH refresher gathering for former ATIH participants❤ 4 day pre-recorded self Study version of the workshop (to go at your own pace, with real time guidance)❤ Individual counselling sessions, spiritual guidance and ATIH coachingVisit my website at www.ViolaRose.commessage me at violarose7@gmail.comAll my future workshop offerings will be posted on this page of my website, https://dreamthenewdream.blogspot.com /p/ awakenin...

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Yai An



An Yuai, China School of Remembering ATIH qualified teacher since 2013. 微信号同电话:01018500959619 邮箱:lgc_1@126.com 641650434@qq.com 安玉爱导师简介: 资深教育工作者。自1968年起,在中学和大学从事教育教学工作几十年。热爱中国传统文 化并践行佛学思想和喜欢老子的道德经,20多岁学过道家功法,也喜欢印第安人玛雅人等 古老民族的古老智慧等。。。期间经由多位大师指引,集中西文化合璧,深刻领悟麦基瑟 德的宇宙智慧及灵性科学的真谛,师从德隆瓦洛.麦基瑟德,朵洛莉丝.侃南,亚特兰...