Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®



Mario Bellafiore at May 31, 2021

It is not easy to find words that could nearly describe how profound this workshop really is.

The teacher’s lovely and calm guidance combined with wisdom and humor is a blessing for every soul that wants to attend this course. I’m very very grateful I’ve had this opportunity, all the inspirations and the gift I received through Drunvalo and Barbara.

Thank you so much. In Lak’ech Ala K’in.

Thora Roethlisberger at Nov 04, 2020

The teacher and i have reached a communication beyond. We are spiritual sisters.

Franz Schwendemann at Mar 09, 2015

I am deeply impressed and grateful for this gift.

Thanks to Drunvalo and Barbara.

Franz Schwendemann at Mar 09, 2015


Franz Schwendemann at Mar 09, 2015

this workshop was one of the most amazing events I ever visited. thanks a lot!!!

Reto Huber at Oct 20, 2014

Would be helpful to get a one-pager about the full meditation (from heart to brain).

Thora Roethlisberger at Oct 19, 2014

i have visited many workshops - but there were only two teachers who really made my "days" and boths names are / were Barbara.

One was NLP and Barbara G. still is my G-Force for ATIH. I am looking forward to be her student, again!

Adrian Hunziker at Oct 13, 2014

This was a unique experience and has changed my life completely, thank you so much Barbara.

Jolle Bucher at Oct 13, 2014

thank you so much Barbara - it's the most beautiful thing to get finally back home!

Andrea Courvoisier at Apr 06, 2014

Barbara Grunder did a wonderful teaching job. She was very well able to bring together a quite heterogenous group of people and create a supportive atmosphere. I very much appreciated the seminar. It was a very deep experience for me.

Thora Roethlisberger at Feb 04, 2014

for me it was the ultimate education i needed- i have been searching for those answers my whole life and i am happy that God let me to Barbara - who became/is my spiritual Sister - you will understand that we are all one and all connected- thank you Drunvalo - that you have taught her and thank you, Barbara for being here in Switzerland :)

Harriet Regina Bandi at Sep 07, 2013

Wonderful experience I highly recommend. I do my meditations regularly ever since and still have contact with my teacher & some other students.

Will never forget the first time I stepped out into my tiny space...

Thanks Drunvalo and Barbara!

All my love, Regina

Felix Degen at Aug 07, 2013

Well, as I had already watched the 13 DVD Set of Drunvalos last Earth/Sky Workshop in Sedona, I was very pleased to be able to do all the Meditations one

can not do on their own. So it is likely that I will repeat the Workshop given by

Barbara, who presents it so well. With love from my heart, Felix

Hans-Peter Spindler at Jun 02, 2013

I will attend the ATIH-Workshop of Barbara Grunder for a 2nd time in October/November 2013