Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

4 day Advanced ATIH Workshop

Embodiment of ATIH principles and the Merkaba

Jason Hunt


(828) 575-3003


87 ratings:

This workshop comes to us as the result of Drunvalo Melchizedek and his willingness to share with us his life's accumulation of more than 40 years of knowledge and experience. With love for Humanity and All Life, Drunvalo brings us his desire for us to begin our own ascension process.

In this advanced workshop we learn about embodying the principles and energetics introduced in the original ATIH workshop. We share the information from Drunvalo's Cosmic Grace workshop, elucidating and exploring how it affects us as individuals, and our lives connected to All Life.

We will also share more of our personal path, and the practices and exercises that we've found useful from the Spirituality traditions on our planet. Though I encourage everyone to follow their own path, our intention is to give you a taste of what is out there for our growth and evolution.

It's my prayer that by participating in this workshop your connection to your Higher Self, and All Life will begin to unfold in wondrous and beautiful ways. Our perception and understanding of the world around us has changed so much in these past few years. We are offering this class to help folks upgrade their lives, and become fearless and further embody our merkaba.

From within our Heart we move from duality into unity. Creation, Communicating, and Living from the Heart is known throughout our indigenous populations, from the ancient cultures all around the globe, and is now being remembered in modern times.

Drunvalo asked participants of Cosmic Grace to read (or re-read) pages 361-365 of his Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volume 2. I also ask that you review this information, as we build upon it in this class.

To apply for this workshop, first register with the School Of Remembering.

Next register for the workshop you choose, the dates that are good for you.

And finally, send me your deposit ($111) to hold your place, or full payment ($777), before registration closes. WE MUST RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE WORKSHOP. You can bring the remainder the first day of class, or pay in full online before our class begins.

If you feel called to continue this life changing work, and take these teachings to the next level, I am happy to be of service to you in this way. It's my honor and joy to participate with you in our Planet's ascension.

From my heart, I thank you.