Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Awakening the illuminated Heart Glastonbury


Nathan Khan


6 ratings:

Glastonbury 22-25.7.21
Everything in this 4 day journey has designed to assist you in remembering to live from the heart.

Day 1

We will introduce ourselves and do a opening ceremony. We will then explore some heart centred information and meditative exercises to lay the foundation for this transition.

Day 2

There will be a talk and some short videos in the morning.
We will then begin a sound healing day to release old trauma and anything that no longer serves you to clear the pathway to the heart.

Day 3

One last healing in the morning then we get started diving deep exploring the map of consciousness through heart meditations

Day 4

Beams of light activation
Mer-Ka-Ba of the heart activation
Tantra of the heart and brain
Creation process meditation

Venue tbc asap