Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®



Raina Rowland at Mar 25, 2022

Thank you Darlene,

I found the workshop to be very powerful and definitely a heart opening experience. I look forward to practicing the steps continuing the meditations.

Cheryl McGrath at Mar 22, 2022

Darlene is AWESOME!! She is an excellent teacher and our group had lots of fun and good belly laughs! Made it easy to understand and lots of helpful exercises to practice and hone. Love her!

Richard Leong Leong at Apr 24, 2019

I enjoyed this workshop with Darlene. She is a beautiful and wonderful teacher that cares about this work and her students. Maui and the Temple of Peace was the perfect place for the workshop. I made some beautiful friends from around the world and I had a wonderful experience. Thank you Darlene.

Thank-you so much Richard 💖🙏🏽
Your beautiful words have touched my heart 🥰

How are you dear friend ?

I hope all is going well for you ... sending you love of the highest from my heart to yours 💞

Darlene Waddell at Aug 13, 2019

Disha Chhadua at Jan 30, 2018

Best experience to start my spiritual journey

We all love you Darlene

CHHAYA CHHADUA at Jan 30, 2018

This is going to live foot print in my heart for ready of life

Love you Darlene

Raju Chhadua at Jan 30, 2018

This was an amazing experience and the unique experience. Love you universe love you Darlene.

Sumedh Dhoot at Jan 29, 2018

My Teacher : Darlene Wandell, is just amazing, i owe everything to her what i got out of the workshop. Her patience-full listening, constant support at any time, and love, was all that was needed for me to get the highest and the best out of me. Thank you so much Darlene. Lots of love :) :) :)

Avinash Awargaonkar at Jan 28, 2018

Excellent course, one who wants to change his/her life by changing the way of thinking should attend this course. Darlene Waddell gave us all that she had.

Malini Rajendran at Dec 05, 2016

The workshop was wonderful, the teachers were really committed and awesome.The range of topics and exercises covered were kind of intense for four days and needed more practice after the workshop, to create long term benefit for us, and for which I would have liked to be given a manual or some take away of the exercises, the meditation words that they spoke when we were under the blind fold, and may be a workshop audio CD for us to follow for our daily home practice. Although we took notes there were many activities that we just went to the experience of doing and with so much packed into the four days, its not possible to remember all the exercises in detail and accuracy.

The fees although by US standards it was not a lot of money, could be optimized a bit more.

It has been a life changing experience and would love to be able to carry forward and offer and teach to many more. But I see the teacher program has been discontinued. The Indian continent and our neighboring countries are under served and it would be great if we could have a regular centre here in India.

kumar venkatesh at Oct 20, 2015

it is a beautiful experience, i always looks towards external stimuli for healing and happiness.....the lucid, profound and divine experience makes me want to go further within

Antara Djoemari at Oct 19, 2015

good education, we can get new spirit, full heart... owness

Payel Mukherjee at Oct 18, 2015

Awesome Experience....

Payel Mukherjee at Oct 18, 2015

Darlene is an amazing teacher & a truly blessed soul....it's been a pleasure and i am grateful to her for showering me with her knowledge and love. Payal

Donas Harjanto at Oct 14, 2015

because of language barriers, SOR should have trainers from Indonesia. And I recommend veda@digitha.net to be a trainer in Indonesian

Dear Donas,

I must say that Diana did a marvelous job translating the ATIH teachings for all of you ... hats off to her for all of her efforts 😍

Also, I do agree with you ... Veda would be an amazing ATIH teacher ❤️

Thank-you for your support of Drunvalo's sacred teachings 🙏🏽

With Love 💖

Darlene Waddell at Oct 20, 2015

Priyamvatha C at Oct 05, 2015

Well, for the question "how profound were the effects of the activities?" on a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it 15. When I read the course description I couldn't believe that everything could be done within 4 days but we did anyway. Darlene helped explain everything in a simple way. She was very patient and answered all queries. I am beginning to miss her voice guiding through the meditations. Thank you!!

William Kupstas at Aug 19, 2015

Darlene is an intuitive and heart-centered teacher of Drunvalo's "Awakening The Illuminated Heart" workshop ... she has a gift of opening a part of yourself that you never knew existed. This was a very amazing experience which will remain in my heart and soul forever.

I would highly recommend Darlene as a facilitator of this workshop to any and all who wish to experience an awakening of their heart !!

In gratitude,

Bill Kupstas

Celine Chamard at Jul 02, 2015

Great appreciation for this great knowledge and teaching delivered with so much Love & Light. All my Gratitude to Drunvalo for this wisdom of Life and for the teacher who came from so far to make this available to us ! Love Love Love !

sheeba majmudar at May 24, 2015

truly transformative

Agnes Meirita at May 22, 2015

I felt being supported so much by Darlene's guidance and explanation. Sometime it was hard to understood the material and connection (eg. from Flower of Life - related to geometry). However the experience that I got during workshop is really valuable for my spiritual journey.

I would like to thank you to Darlene and all my friends during workshop.

Victor Nara Patrianila at May 18, 2015

ATIH is wonderful experience for me. Of course all my expectiations and questions could not be answered in 4 days (8 hours each day session). I believe ATIH is one of my step stone to further and deeper of heart journey. Thank You Darlene, Thank You All.

Albertus Yap at May 18, 2015

Thanks to teach me patiently.

Magdalena Vedawati at May 12, 2015

Thank you for this amazing journey to remember who and what I truly am. The sacred teaching is guiding me back HOME. Namaste!

yen peng ng at May 04, 2015

a great experience

Snidia Lund at Feb 17, 2015

This workshop has helped me to see everyone around me in a different way, including nature, the Sun and Mother Earth. I feel my heart more alive in a way and even though routine gets in the way sometimes I know it's there, we're all there and in the stars.

Chetna Chakravarthy at Jan 22, 2015

The 4 days were brilliant and I can see my life change since the workshop. However, I am someone who has no discipline when it comes to meditating. While the sacred heart space and unity breath meditations are ones I can do very easily, the creation process is not one that I have been able to use very well. And having spoken to a few participants from this and earlier ATIH workshops, I know that eventually they don't use any of these methods, tools or meditations in their daily life. I hope we find a way soon to make it easier for people to practice all that they learn.

JURINA Abdullah at Nov 27, 2014

Both Darlene Waddell and Rossi Barrera Oaxaca made the whole course very easy, simple to understand and fun. They guided the healing exercises with such kindness and love energy and made it very ease for me to follow as I am not a person who meditates at all.

I am thankful and grateful to Darlene and Rossi for bringing and sharing ATIH to this part of the world. Well Done Darlene and Rossi!

Caleb Vicarious at Nov 19, 2014

this is the most amazing , loving and beautiful thing i have ever experienced.

Amanda Gregg at Oct 16, 2014

This workshop was beautiful and life-changing. Darlene created a loving space that facilitated significant self-growth and deep understanding of how to access the sacred, tiny space of the heart and the activation process. I would recommend her with the highest regard. She leads by example, and in doing so, has inspired me to let my light shine.

William Davis at Oct 07, 2014

It would of made things a lot less confusing if there would of been handout while we were doing the training.: Especially would of helped with the meditations and the medical terminology..

Stacey McBeth at Oct 05, 2014

I was immediately at ease and sensed the beautiful heart of our ATIH teacher, Darlene. She transmitted the teachings with perfect grace and clarity as well as held a harmonious space for the entire workshop. My heart connection with Darlene was healing and powerful. I am most grateful for her loving seva on Mother Earth.

Alastair Greenstreet at Oct 03, 2014

Darlene is a wonderful teacher, she created both a safe and comfortable space for our class where we all could learn and grow within ourselves and together as a group. She presented the teachings clearly and well, being able to explain how each part of the teachings and exercises worked together and why they were presented in a certain order. My logical brain loved her for this and great confidence arose because of the clarity and structure she explained to relax and open up to the heart of the experience together as a group. She patiently answered all my many questions.

Everyone was able to express their inner courage to connect heart-to-heart as Darlene held the space, with amazing transforming effects for all involved. I need to highlight how helpful it was to experience the workshop together with the other class members, in fact the other people were needed to make the workshop happen in essence. Only in working with others was my own heart able to heal, explore inner issues and open to joy, each person giving their love to one another and receiving love in return.

Being highly psychic and empathic has left me extremely guarded to opening up to other's energy fields and protecting my own heart has been a way of life. The exercises took some courage to do personally but rewarded beyond all required effort. Looking into another person's eyes for five minutes there is no hiding who you are or who they are, on the surface and deeply within their Soul. Once you enter into this union of communication then you come to a place of knowing, being, living and sharing of our deepest inner space of Spirit & Soul.

Two days after class now and I haven't felt this open and heart happy since aged about two years old, without any exaggeration. I had forgotten what it was like to live with an open heart and feel joy in living day-to-day without fear of connecting with other people. Remembering how to love and relate to other people, openly and genuinely after so many years of protective living is such a joy and a relief to live without pretense.

The workshop experience both educates, empowers and enables you to move forward in a heart-felt way. Before the workshop I had a lot of uncertainty regarding the material but intuitively wanted to come anyway having tried from the 'Awakening The Illumined Heart' book the unity breath exercise. Some of the teachings are a little mind bending and you have to allow an expansive and uncertain state of mind while exploring but the direct experience has convinced me of their truth in terms of living from the heart. Once you experience it directly for oneself then you know.

I wholeheartedly recommend Darlene as a teacher and offer my love & respect to both Darlene & Drunvalo.
