Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Awakening Heart Mexico Journey 2024

Lu Ka


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This is a journey to Mexico power places with Lu Ka. We will be following the Serpent of Light, the female aspect of Kundalini of the Earth based on Drunvalo Melchizedek. We will visit the 7 chakra points (sacred sites) from Uxmal to Palenque in a feminine way. There is also an option of a 4-day extension to GUATEMALA, including the visit of Tikal.

We will be traveling in spherical time, which is different from linear time. In spherical time the future has already happened. So we are visiting the Chakra points in a feminine way, not from the first to the highest, but as the female energy brings us there. We will have a private time in the CHICHEN ITZA.

Chakra points which we will visit:

1st CHAKRA (Base) – Uxmal
2nd CHAKRA (Sexual) – Labna

3rd CHAKRA (Will power) – Kabah

4th CHAKRA (Heart) – Chichen Itza

5th CHAKRA (Throat) – Tulum
6th CHAKRA (Third eye) – Kohunlich

7th CHAKRA (Crown Chakra) – Palenque
TIKAL (Guatemala): the base chakra of a new cycle (optional/extended visit)

Info: https://www.awakening-heart.org/events/awakening-heart-mexico-sacred-tour-2024/
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/232083930036551