Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Pablo McCarte

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Pablo McCarte


00 44 7939 607186

53 ratings:

There is only One Tiny Space of the Heart.
When you are in the Tiny Space of your Heart,
you are in the Tiny Space of the Universe.

With Drunvalo's New “Cosmic Grace” teaching progressing extremely fast, The knowledge, skills, Transformation and processes you experience within the ATIH workshops have Never been more essential for you, for me, for “Us” and our Rapidly expanding Consciousness here on Mother Earth!

I Feel intense Gratitude to be able to Share the Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops with you!

It would be My Honor to Welcome you into our Awesome School of Remembering :)

The ATIH Course…and what to expect!

There seems to be a simple thing within us Humans,
“ we seem to feel more “Empowered” and “stronger” when we are “supported by others“
Gregg Braden

For me, this Statement is so true for the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop.
I have seen many life changing transformations take place in the workshops over the years as well as experiencing First Hand - the changes for myself!

( Check out the testimonials below and also from other teachers too! it will it will broaden your understanding of what we accomplish together on the course )


What to expect from this 4 day Intensive workshop:
• An introduction to some Blue School ( Heart Imagery ) meditations.
• A day of healing and releasing in the Physical / Mental / Emotional aspects of our being.
• Experience our “essential connection” with mother Earth / Father Sun.
• We remember how to move into the Sacred Space within the Physical Human Heart:
• And our Tiny Space. Our Connection to God, The Source, The Universal Tiny Space that connects us ALL!
• Activation of our beams of light that are connected to the pineal chakra.
• The creation and Stimulation of Alpha Waves in the brain.
• To open the “3rd eye” and reconnect it back to the Tiny Space of the Heart.
• We then learn how to “Create From the Heart”.
• The grand finale is the of the Activation of the Merkaba!


My system was a little nervous before i arrived but the whole experience was incredible. Pablo answered all our questions with such perception and depth and I felt I could ask him anything however trivial and he would validate them. I would recommend this experience to everyone and know that you will feel totally fulfilled and supported.
Chrissie Weaver. 2016

A fantastic 4 days with Pablo, the workshop was exactly what I imagined and more. Pablo is extremely supportive, very knowledgeable and experienced. I am so looking forward to working with him again. Thank you so much.
Lynn Osborne. 2016

"I am a seeker of the meaning of life, and for the last 25 years have been a dedicated follower of Buddhism, going on many retreats some lasting 3 months. But I never really "got it", often finding my meditation to be flat and frankly boring, using will power to stay on track. BUT Since learning the ATIH practice I actually WANT to meditate! It is so exciting, every day the heart space is different and the practice becomes a great adventure of exploration and unfolding. What is not to like? In turn this has given me an increased satisfaction and stability in my daily life , and I can connect more deeply with the Earth, my own true nature and to other people. I also feel that this practice is just the start of reconnecting and regaining our vast potential as human beings.
I LOVE ATIH and have not missed a day since we started, and can feel the power building"
Vicky H. Worcester UK

"Your facilitation was crucial to the success of the course from my point of view. you could understand where our hurdles were and could give really useful input. Thank you .."
Kate B. Midlands UK

The ATIH course is an absolute must to help you drop into your sacred heart space and connect with yourself and source in a way like you never have before. It gives you a whole new way of being.
The course is deep and transformational and moves you to another level.
Pablo was really great at helping to explain the process in an understandable way. He is passionate and authentic about what he does, which helps to set the sacred space in which you feel comfortable to let go and release your fears and blocks to growth.
Dawn M. Midlands UK.


Truly this 4 days were the most enlightening, insightful and profound days i have ever paid for ! Pablo is a beautiful teacher. Kind, funny, generous, clear and calm. The whole experience was beyond words but incredible.

E. de Wet

Pablo held Sacred space with much attention, care and sensitivity. Pablo was finely tuned into everyones needs but also encouraged everyone every step of the way, along with a sense of JOY and humour, much gratitude and love.

F Hale

I loved this workshop, I felt very supported by both Pablo and the other participants the whole time. The course is excellent value for money, I was surprised how reasonably priced it is, given the amount of information. I would (and already have) recommended this workshop highly. Thank you

D. Alexander 

Pablo is an incredible person and it is wonderfully to have someone share in the way he does.

V Baynham

I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is interested. The venue is in Avebury which has an amazing energy. Pablo is so generous with his knowledge and support you feel welcomed and accepted as soon as you step through the door which is a rare experience in itself. I felt completely safe, accepted and held by Pablo and the group. What an amazing experience. Thank you

C. Hill

Amazing Experience. Pablo is a really beautiful soul; he put me at ease from the moment I arrived and through out the entire workshop he was so supportive and kind. Im so grateful for the way he cared for me and the group. The workshop itself is filled with practical information that helps take your spiritual ascension up into the heavens with speed. Havent been the same since leaving haha in a very good way of course. Thank you to Drunvalo, Pablo and everyone who helped make these workshops a reality. Truly helping raise the conscious awareness of the collective. Sending Love and Light…..

M. Crinall

Pablo is a wonderful teacher, knowledgeable, patient and kind. This workshop brought many things together for me as well as crossing some T's! I am excited by the teachings, experience and continue to work on and benefit from it. Thank you

I. Overy

It was an amazing experience and definitely, I will continue to study with Pablo.

M. Morffe

Paul is an excellent teacher and a great human being in all aspects. I recommend him 100% from my heart. Thank you Paul (Pablo :))))))) All my love to all of us brothers and sisters.

K. Skinkis-loftus a

I waited 2 years to do this workshop and it was worth the wait, and Pablo McCarte was the ideal teacher for me. I tried to have no expectation on how I would be after the workshop finished, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. A gentle loving space now resides within me, it is wonderful. Please do not think that it is all moon light and roses, it was hard work at times and it really does require you to commit to the process. More work ahead but I can't wait to get on with it. Thank you so much Pablo, Avebury was the perfect location also.

B. Gregory

Pablo McCarte is an adept teacher. He was clear, empathetic, and honest throughout the course. Where appropriate Pablo shared his experiences, particularly early on in his remembering which helped the group connect with the learning process. Pablo is very intuitive and sensitive to the energy of the group and knew exactly when to repeat information so we could understand fully. Everyone was supported and it was heart-warming to see Pablo taking his time with everyone. He was patient and caring no matter the issue. I really felt supported by Pablo since the beginning. He also has a great sense of humour, which helped shift energy blocks times and time again. Overall, a wonderful wonderful experience. 

I would certainly recommend this work to anyone I feel are ready to remember.

J. Sefton

Pablo is a warm and kind person and has an instantly likeable character that quickly puts one at ease. The accompanying slides are clear and detailed. Pablo is keen to answer questions and explains using easily understandable concepts and analogies. He has a holistic approach to teaching calling upon students existing knowledge of consciousness, healing and spirituality to explain. His music is perfect and deepens the experience. Pablo is patient and moves the the learning forward without leaving anyone behind. The whole experience was perfect!

R. Hill 

A truly wonderful and unique experience. Our teacher Pablo greeted us with such warmth and love that instantly made us feel very comfortable and relaxed. He clearly, patiently and often with a lot of wit explained all the necessary processes involved in our spiritual growth. It was a pure pleasure absorbing all this information. Our group of beautiful souls bonded instantly. To feel such genuine love from strangers was a truly amazing and a humbling experience. We became a small family supporting one another throughout the whole workshop. Pablo was an extremely caring and attentive \"daddy\" of our family. It was a life changing experience. Since then, I feel I'm growing and developing more each day. It feels fantastic to know the truth and to be able to manifest it in my life. Warm thank you to Pablo for being an excellent teacher and thank you to my newly made spiritual family for making the whole experience so much more special. Sending beautiful and loving vibrations to everyone xxx

S. Martin

I joined this ATIH workshop as my heart had scars that needed attention and healing. Pablo formed an open and relaxed atmosphere where we were all made to feel welcome from the very first moment. The love and compassion that grew amongst our group was authentic and truly amazing. The strange part is that the workshop didn’t feel like work, more a gentle absorption and connection and fun. The four days not only reconnected me to living from my heart but introduced me to mind-blowing knowledge, a beautiful awakening and effective experiences that will continue to bring gifts into my life. It exceeded all expectations. Deep thanks to You Pablo for being a wonderful teacher and a patient shepherd and of course to Drunvalo, for sharing this wisdom. 

Also thank you to my new heart-bonded family. With love and warm hugs from my heart, Sandrine

B. Gregory

An incredible experience. I have participated in the online workshop before and it was very powerful and allowed for reflection during breaks. However the in-person workshop was a much more deeper experience for me. The physical touch and the connection with people felt so much stronger. Also the Venue at Avebury is phenomenal; it is the biggest stone circle in England! I highly recommend Pablo as a facilitator of this work; he has a fantastic sense of humour, he is incredibly caring about peoples comfortability, and spends as much time as possible with people to ensure they understand the steps of the workshop, and so much more!


"I see a great unity. This unity I speak of is not worldly or political in nature, but a unity of our hearts"
Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje

Welsh Pablo:
I live In the Valleys in South Wales UK - A Mystical place of Natural Beauty that I have used as my Haven and Home While travelling the World as a Sound Engineer and Tour Manager in the Music industry for over 18 years with Amazing Artists / Bands / Crews throughout all styles of music across all continents and cultures.

In the mid 90’s and into the 2000’s I was a Professional Hypnotherapist, conducting research into Past / lives - I studied and conducted my own research into Dr Micheal Newtons Journey of Souls and the life between lives. Channeling - ET Contact - Abductions etc…and I trained in Remote Viewing with David Morehouse, Author of Psychic warrior and one of the original members of the US military’s Top Secret Psychic Spy Programs. I also studied many forms of healing and channeling with some Great teachers.

Alongside my ATIH work I also conduct “Clearings”, a technique of bringing back Balance and Harmony to Mother Earth, her energy grids, Sacred Sites and pollution of environment ( air / land / oceans etc…)
Energy imbalances within homes or businesses - people or places … its fascinating and extremely rewarding work that brings me great joy and a closer relationship with Mother Earth / the Ascended Masters / Elementals / spirits within Nature. ( For more information please check out the wonderful Tessie McCabe’s www.clearingmotherearth.com)

Most people who have studied Drunvalo will generally have a great story to tell of amazing Synchronicities that led them to Him and In 2012 I was fortunate to experience this myself, Synchronicities that included Sacred sites, Crop formations and many intense experiences that eventually Landed me in Sedona for over a month ( on flight No 777 :) to train to be a Teacher of his work and also for his new workshops ( Now Cosmic Grace ) and having the privilege of experiencing his teachings in a very small group of amazing people from all over the world.

The Teachings instantly made so much sense to me, and I always remember the first time I did an ATIH Course … Everything instantly changed for me! – Physically / Mentally/ Emotionally I felt connected to whatever had been guiding me. This was the first time ever that I had felt like I am truly on the correct path.

Hopefully we can share this journey together?

“Diolch yn fawr”
Namaste x


2024-08-15 /

I personally Found Drunvalo's work after some amazing events here in Avebury.
This is one of the most beautiful, awe inspiring and Balanced Sacred Sites you will ever experience And Its always an honour to present the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop here.

This is one of the only places...


Emilie Janda at Apr 02, 2024

I would have loved some handouts and exercises...

Frederic Monfort at Apr 04, 2023

Pablo was excellent at delivering this amazing workshop. Although I did not have any preconceived expectations prior to atttending, this was an unforgettable experience in my spiritual journey.

JO RAWLINSON at Mar 23, 2023

Wonderful experience with Pablo, who took care of everyone and was a great teacher - funny, kind, insightful and inclusive. A lot of information packed into the four days and Avebury henge the ideal balanced energy venue for this work. Highly recommend!

Eric Pinkowski at Jun 29, 2022

I gave a 6 on question 7, as I would have love to have some kind of a handout, manual of the presentation I could have referred to. And acessing some of the info in Dropbox is not suitable for me. However, the videos and the slides were great!

LINDA MYERS at Apr 05, 2022

Pablo is a natural teacher and highly recommend him as a very kind heart.


Susanne Favreau at Mar 19, 2022

Pablo is a really good teacher and has a great

Voice for meditation

Marianne Hill Hill at Jan 12, 2022

These 4 days are the most powerful days you are likely to experience. Transformational and self empowering is an understatement. Its a window into how we can bring about a world many once called Heaven,

Simon Coxon at Sep 29, 2021

Excellent workshop, delivered beautifully by Pablo

Maxine Crinall at Jul 27, 2021

Pablo is a wonderful teacher, open to all questions and queries which he answered well, making everyone feel welcome and included. The exercises are amazing, orchestrated well by Pablo, who has a wonderful meditation voice.

Roya Garwood at Jul 01, 2021

I had a fantastic experience at Pablo's workshop in magical Avebury and met some lovely people. I didn't know what to expect from the workshop prior to attending, so I went with low expectations and was happy, if nothing else, for some fellowship after all the lockdowns we have had. But the outcome of the workshop was brilliant for me personally and beyond what I had expected. Pablo created a safe, comfortable and chilled environment for all to learn and practice. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is ready to explore spirituality. Thank you so much Pablo for your patience, flexibility and generosity.