Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Camellia Val

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Camellia Val


380 ratings:

Personal Website

Hello shining souls,

What a great blessing it is to live my soul’s journey! I always knew that something very beautiful and significant will take place in this lifetime.
My path as a teacher for School of Remembering started long ago, I can say from the day I was born, because Great Spirit already knew what my mission will be and prepared me well for this moment.
Every turn of the road of life has brought me insights and precious gifts. In 2002 I went through major sickness and life changes, and it was then, when I awoke to the Light I am. I healed and transformed myself and my life. During that time I learned so much about myself, about principles of energy, intuitive healings, communications with crystals and the Higher Spiritual world.
I was deeply called to offer my services to those who were ready to change their life as well. Everything that I needed to know was shown to me – I just followed the guidance. It brought me to Korea’s Buddhist Temples, Sedona for Dhan Healing School, Peru to work with shamans, Yucatan to meet the Serpent of Light of the new Female Cycle of Times.
I was greatly inspired from the work of Zi Gang Sha, Osho, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and all the wisdom coming from the native people.
For me, each journey was a confirmation that
Love is the one that heals,
Love is the one that inspire us with its power,
Love is the one that brings peace,
Love is the one that renews us,
Love is the one that makes us certain without a doubt,
Love is the one that harmonizes our differences
Love is coming only from the Heart. 

Still something was missing - how do we create the New World of Love, Beauty and Harmony? How do we enter into ascension together and create the reality of One United Consciousness? I am deeply grateful that in that time of questioning Great Spirit presented Drunvalo Melchizedek and his teachings! In a brief time, many doors opened and the "impossible" become easy flow. Becoming a Certified Teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart fulfills my heart with so much joy, bliss and deep gratitude!
My dream has become true! I feel that this work offers a beautiful, profound and yet simple way to truly open the heart and connect with the energy of Ascension. 


Since I became a Certified Teacher of Drunvalo’s School of  Remembering , I hosted more than a hundred workshops internationally, touching the hearts of hundreds of people and igniting the spark of Melchizedek Consciousness of Light! The Light of Love, that naturally unite us in One Living Being and prepare us for Ascension.  

Let's together share the Light we are, the Love we are! Let's be together in all our differences, embrace them in harmony and create from our dreaming hearts the beautiful New World!

With deep gratitude to Spirit and all Creation!




Awakening The Illuminated Heart

2024-07-27 / Planet Earth

💜 This workshop is the final confirmation, that you mastered being in physicality on the 3D.
Next ATIH classes:
Aug 22nd- 25th, 24 online in EST
Oct 24th - 27th, online in EST
Energy exchange of $333USD 💜
Please see my site: https://www.heartascension.com/ ...


Awakening The Illuminated Heart

2024-08-22 / Online in EST

💜 This workshop is the final confirmation, that you mastered your physical life on the third dimensional level and you are ready to exist in higher realms. Once you remember your Light Body - Merkaba, it automatically speeds up your spiritual evolution. Open Heart is the gateway to higher conscio...


Maja Roblek at Jul 15, 2024

Camellia is very positive warm person and teacher and shares valuable personal experiences. This workshop was very nice experience.

Yixuan Zhao at Jun 19, 2024

Camellia was a wonderful teacher, my understanding was greatly enhanced and I am so grateful for her gentle and clear guidance!

Mandy Jeffery at May 06, 2024

Camellia is the ultimate teacher for this - her metaphors, presence, love, patience, passion are inspiring and engaging.

The tech mishaps were a little disruptive, yet above all the course was fantastic. Thank you x

Julia Sabatine r at Apr 02, 2024

The experience of Awakening the Illuminated Heart with Camellia was the most profound healing experience of my life. I was finally able to access the consciousness and vibration inside of me that existed as a very young child, something I have known is possible but have been missing since my awakening. A space of pure being, loving, and experiencing. I have had intense experiences with meditation and years of daily practice leading up to this course, and I never could have imagined that these four days would create such an incredible positive shift in my personal experience on this planet. I now have a feeling of timelessness without longing or seeking, and a profound sense of peace over my past, present and future. Thank you, Camellia and The School of Remembering for creating, being and sharing.

Marvin Bundo at Mar 22, 2024

Excellent teacher with profound knowledge. The 4 days were amazing. I would recommend this training to everyone interested in opening and connecting with their heart.

Humberto Pea at Feb 20, 2024

Camellia is an extraordinary person, very loving and caring in teaching the course topics.

Remembering the illuminated heart with her is a very nice and extraordinary experience. Thank you Camellia. Blessings to you and all your family.

Jennifer Peck at Jan 22, 2024

This was life changing, and Camellia’s gentleness and genuine warmth made it extra wonderful. It was a beautiful balance of sacredness, joy, and connection, not easy to create in an online setting, but she did it. I feel like a different person and I’m so grateful. Thank you 💚

Wistaria Jo at Oct 07, 2023

This was my second event with Camellia. She is very precise in teaching the knowledge without distraction. I value the work and effort she puts into her workshops and will join her again in the future.

Avery Roswell at Sep 23, 2023

Camellia is filled with Love, patience and wisdom. All the qualities you would want a person to have who you entrust with such an important role of supporting a life changing shift that will lead to your remembering. Thank you so much Camellia for the work you have done and continue to do. Thank you for your unconditional love.

Kandice Mascotti at Sep 04, 2023

My true heart thanks you Camellia for you are love and light. Your kindness opened my heart to a whole new adventure. Thank you for your unconditional love!