Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Iryna Eysmont

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Iryna Eysmont


952 426 8707

178 ratings:

Please contact me at iryna.eysmont@gmail.com to see the  scheduled ATIH workshops
 in English or Russian, 
or plan the ATIH experience worldwide adjusted to your schedule.  

 They say when one experiences
Universal Love again, there is no way back. And I can definitely state, for me
it's absolutely true!
 If you are on this page, it tells
me you found Drunvalo’s Remembering like I did in 2009. His teaching about both
modern and ancient science, that is complete and grounded way to co-Create your
life experience as a Human Being through Remembering your expansion in your
 In your Sacred Heart you have a
compass which will guide you on your journey. I teach this workshop from 2014 and it will be my joy and honor to
share with you this Great Wisdom.

 All ATIH teachers share their
inner genius during this workshop differently. During 5 days we as a group and
individually will chart the map to Remember unlimited You-niverse, as well as
how to bring desirable quality and dimensional expansion to your physical life
becoming an active co-Creator of it now and here.

 My style of teaching will
activate Remembering of your personal journey when we bring specifically
tailored for the group and each participant understanding of Human history. That
will make possible to stop emotional trauma for good, stop using Duality
Emotional Body connected to the brain and start creating your life experience
using your Primary Emotional Body connected to the Tiny Space of your heart.

Once this door is opened, life
will never be the same.

 You will receive both information
and have direct experience of Unity Breath Meditation – your Love connection to
the Mother-Earth and Father-Sky, your Ancestral connections, Sacred Space and
Tiny Space of the heart, your connection to You-Higher Self and You-Angel. Also
experience Universal Love Sound Healing Ceremony with Angels and Archangels, get
deeper connection to the heart through the Sufi Blessing Dance Meditation, remember
your true essence through Dancing in the Dark Meditation, experience feminine
aspect of this knowledge during the Claudette Melchizedek's meditations of The
Blue School, see the difference between living from Love versus from fear,
creating from the heart versus from the brain. You will open the 3rd eye and activate
the Beams of Light through the ancient steps firing the
  Halo around your head, reconnecting brain to
the Heart and naturally activating your Light Body - the Mer-Ka-Ba which will
become permanent.

 You will then Remember that key
to everything you desire is your Illuminated Heart and clearly understand
Creation and how to create anything in your life from the Tiny Space of the

 You will be given tools to apply
this knowledge and receive answers to your questions that will allow you to end
emotional trauma for good and stop your personal hamster wheel of repeated
duality limitations patterns.
 During the workshop you will
receive assistance with:
-  receiving tools to find events, patterns,
beliefs that blocking you from living with your natural joy and excitement,
that are Alpha waves produced by the gland located in your brain;

-  remembering and acknowledging your connection
to the genius Inner Child that is a major part of success in your life journey;

-  now and here in harmony with Mother Earth and
entire Universe stepping beyond stories of paradoxical linear duality
limitations experience into your Divine creative state as sovereign Creator
with 100% free will and healthy boundaries;

-  understanding and balancing relationship with
family, partners and with yourself;

-  returning fire of happiness into your eyes and

-  assisting all Humanity and entire Universe in
Remembering just simply co-Creating your desirable life, the Brand New Earth
and Universe consciously dreaming your next exciting adventure in Creation.

 My biggest excitement and passion
is in returning fire of happiness into people’s eyes and hearts, doesn’t matter
how broken their past is. 
My style is observation and my
gift is in inviting you to recognize and integrate – taking your memories with
you - your rich experiences through the Earth’s history into your energy field
- Mer-Ka-Ba. 

 It is not only useful and
effective, but big fun and an exciting adventure on your journey to Remember
and choose to live "creating out of nothing"! It has been and
continues to be a lifetime of research and Remembering that became my lifestyle.

 Remember you are the Star. You
don’t want to be “an extra in the movie of your life”.

This is what people who took the workshop with me are saying:

Satoru Yajima at Feb 13, 2024

Once I started to connect to Iryna after registration, I already noiticed a big difference in myself, and found myself in the state of peace without any reasons, at the first time in my life. This was how I started my remembering path with Iryna.

Iryna is a teacher who truly lives and loves what she teaches, and guides her students with true passion and compassion.

After completing the course, I woke up with so much gratitude for our experience together, and with renewed strength in myself to continue this remembering path no matter what. This is HOW she teaches. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you.

Nina Smirnova at May 25, 2024

Я ощущаю полный восторг от семинара!!

Я нашла ответы на вопросы, которые искала много лет. Ирина, вы мастерски помогли мне вспомнить кто я есть. Я чувствую себя вновь рождённой для осознанных опытов этой жизни. Открывается фонтан воспоминаний и озарений, которые помогают мне жить в радости, счастье и любви к себе и людям. Я была на многих семинарах за последние 40 лет, и этот семинар- лучшее, что у меня было в жизни. Я безмерно счастлива и благодарна Вам за мастерство и красоту Вашей души. Моя жизнь полностью изменилась. Одно воспоминание о Вас наполняет меня радостью. Я Вам безмерно благодарна. Я Вас люблю!!

 When we all awaken into our IIluminated Heart, we live once again from the state of unconditional Love and know that Love is all there is.

Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-08-01 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-08-15 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-09-05 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-09-19 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-10-03 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-10-17 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-10-31 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-11-14 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-11-28 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-12-12 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2024-12-26 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2025-01-09 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart

2025-01-30 / ATIH Intensive Experience Online in English or Russian

Would you like to receive a Manual to the Human life? To be an active co-Creator of your experience with the vision of a brand new world from the single eye of your Heart in harmony and synchronicity with the Mother-Earth and the Universe? Please email me for more options of ATIH experience with all...


Nina Smirnova at May 25, 2024

Я ощущаю полный восторг от семинара!!

Я нашла ответы на вопросы, которые искала много лет. Ирина, вы мастерски помогли мне вспомнить кто я есть. Я чувствую себя вновь рождённой для осознанных опытов этой жизни. Открывается фонтан воспоминаний и озарений, которые помогают мне жить в радости, счастье и любви к себе и людям. Я была на многих семинарах за последние 40 лет, и этот семинар- лучшее, что у меня было в жизни. Я безмерно счастлива и благодарна Вам за мастерство и красоту Вашей души. Моя жизнь полностью изменилась. Одно воспоминание о Вас наполняет меня радостью. Я Вам безмерно благодарна. Я Вас люблю!!

I am totally excited about this Workshop!

I found answers to many questions I have been looking for all my life. Iryna, you have masterfully helped me remember who I am. I feel totally reborn for new conscious experiences in my life. The fountain of remembrance and Aha-moments has sprung that helps me to live joyfully, happily and with love to myself and others.

In the last 40 years I have attended many seminars and workshops, but this one is the best I have been to. I am endlessly thankful to you for your mastery and the beauty of your soul. My life has completely changed. The only thought about you feels me up with joy. I am endlessly thankful to you. I love you!!

Satoru Yajima at Feb 13, 2024

Once I started to connect to Iryna after registration, I already noiticed a big difference in myself, and found myself in the state of peace without any reasons, at the first time in my life. This was how I started my remembering path with Iryna.

Iryna is a teacher who truly lives and loves what she teaches, and guides her students with true passion and compassion.

After completing the course, I woke up with so much gratitude for our experience together, and with renewed strength in myself to continue this remembering path no matter what. This is HOW she teaches. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you.

Olga Hall at Feb 11, 2024

Iryna is a great teacher with charisma. She strives to do the best to help you remember. Thank you Iryna for being part of the ATIH school!!!

Xavier Pichot at Jan 28, 2024

This is surely a life changing event : the tremendous contribution of Drunvalo Melchizedek's work joined to the uplifting presence and talents of Iryna made this journey beyond my expectations...It's like if my dreams and deepest inner aspirations came into reality...during those 5 days using the most sublime technology...

Unconditional Love to transform one's life from within in the silence of one's Heart

Renee Andreasen at Dec 19, 2023

That was life transforming and amazing! Iryna is the most dedicated facilitator I've ever met. She met me exactly where I was, provided the time I needed to process and rest. Working with her one on one is amazing. I am forever grateful for her help in Remembering!

Brandon White at Dec 03, 2023

When I first came to Iryna, I was optimistic about the possibility of what I had learned was possible, but in the early moments doubted that possibility. Iryna picked that up without me saying much and guided me into my space as my body was able to recognize. Her blissful instruction was clear and concise, her energy kept me grounded and her heart welcomed my inner child. Iryna, I thank you for these 5 days together. Much love from my family to yours

Yuan Yuan at Oct 28, 2023

My gratitude to Iryna is beyond words.  Among so many workshops and retreats I’ve completed, these intensive five days with Iryna are life changing and definitely a gift for me from the universe. Unlike group workshops, this one to one workshop is a super value, profound, intimate and way more efficient. Three days of healing work melted my frozen heart and freed me from my non duality emptiness and numbness. All my questions and doubts have been addressed. In each exercise,  Iryna was energetically there to observe and support me. When the student is ready, teacher appears. I am so grateful to you, thank you so much Iryna.  

Natalia Golumb at Jul 26, 2023

I contacted Iryna first time about 5 years before I actually took this ATIH Experience.. At that time I have just revealed Drunvalo's book after strong life circumstances, then looked through this website (I found a link in Drunvalo's book) and decided to contact any of the teachers who resonates with me vibrationally. So, it was Iryna, also I assumed she speaks Russian. We spoke through the Messenger a bit and she helped me with my questions at that moment. And only after about 5 years I returned to Drunvalo's book from time to time opening it and finding answers to my requests... And one day something told me to open the book again and it was a page mentioning the website link. I decided to write Iryna again and ask if she has events somewhere close to Azerbaijan (now I live here). I had only available 1000$ on my card though... And wow, surprisingly cost of the Intensive Experience was exactly the same amount. That was the best investment in my life as for now. Iryna is a great teacher, soft, intense, loving. What can I say? This Experience Is the real PhD in spiritual world. So many a-ha-moments, so many multidimensional openings. Everything that I needed was always in front of me, but Iryna made me reveal it. Life is the great journey of remembering who you really are. Generally we spoke in Russian, but meditations were in English - connection was so deep that there were no language barriers! Thank you Iryna!

Jacques Christopher at Jul 17, 2023

I was a complete Train Wreck when I left Irynas workshop and I am just now writing a review 2 years after the fact. I am lost for words for what this beautiful workshop did for me. I come from a military background, so it is been difficult, but this workshop gave me a new lease on life. Thank you from my heart Iryna!

Sandra patricia Naji saraya at Jul 08, 2023

It was an amazing journey of remembering, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this experience. Mrs iryna was a great inspiration for me with her joy, knowledge and incredible energy.