Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Jacqueline de Rond

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Jacqueline de Rond


0031 (0) 50 525 91 95

www.centrumderond.nl www.centrumderond.nl

121 ratings:

Jacqueline was born in 1952 and discovered Drunvalo and his teachings late '90's and it felt homecoming for her. She feels delighted to be able to present these teachings in the workshop in a playful way and in a safe environment for all. Her profession is psychotherapist-healer. She lives in Holland.

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Marieke van den Heuvel at Mar 03, 2024

Dear lovely people, Workshop the Illuminated Heart in Lommel 22-25th of February 2024 is and was really a wonderful and powerful transformation for me! This is the best thing for me what could happened for now at this moment in my life to open and to illuminate my heart! Jacqueline is really wonderful, very wise and with Humor she brings the information into the workshop and into our lifes! Jacqueline was very good with answering the mailings, offering the information about the workshops and leading our Souls through the workshop! Healing of the Heart was very powerful and In our Hearts we are all connected! Thankyou very much for this life changing workshop, I would recommend this to every soul, it's really a blessing tot do this. And especially thanks to my friend Drawde who offered her space to do the workshop in Lommel Belgium, and special thanks to my sister Jordie who I made this wonderful trip together and last but not least Jacqueline and all the other souls of the workshop who touched my heart very deeply! Jacqueline your the Best! Thank you, my soul and heart are healed. Big hugs from Marieke van den Heuvel from the Netherlands

Nedzmina Masic at Sep 20, 2022

Jacqueline is compassionate and knows how to help you through the process of transformation. Her insights help you easily apply the information during the course and in everyday life.

Brenda Stekelenburg-de Wolf at Jun 06, 2022

I enjoyed this course. Jacqueline is a great and loving teacher. Wouldn't have missed it. It enriches my life.

Ellen Post at Oct 08, 2021

It was a wonderful course which I enjoyed very much. It opened a whole new perspective in my life. I was lucky to meet a very nice group of course members and a very nice and good teacher.

Jacqueline Esseling at Jun 28, 2021

It was a wonderfull workshop, with a lot of information and experiences. The second day was very special to me with the healing sessions. Both receiving and giving were very heartwarming and healing. The last two days the 'real work' , was very intense, a lot of concentration. I really want to keep this all activated so I'm gonna keep on practising :-) Thank you all very much.

Lida van Lingen at Jun 09, 2021

It was overwhelming!

Nico Schol at Jun 09, 2021

It was an overall excellent workshop with the loveliest teachers you can imagine. I have visites other workshops but this one was above expectation.

Nicole van Gans at May 28, 2021

It was an impressive, intensive workshop with beautiful moments. I find it difficult to give words to my experience at this moment (just after the workshop). I will probably experience the impact of the workshop in the coming period. I am impressed with the enormous love and devotion with which the workshop was organized! They did everything to make it a succes. I am very grateful for that!

Jack Kluijtmans at Jun 24, 2019

I was impressed by the experience of the healing sessions on day 2.

David Nauta at Nov 01, 2017

Als wonderfull workshop. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get into the tiny space. But practice makes perfect!