Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Margery Detring

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Margie June has loved the natural world all her life, animal, plant, sky, bug and rock. She has been blessed to live in some of America's most beautiful places, first her parent's farm, then living in National Parks with husband and children. Margie June now loves in her house of windows (the location for the Van Buren classes) perched on Ozark hills with an 18 mile view of ridges and river-carved valleys, mists rising each morning over the forests. She is trained as teacher and geologist, jewelry maker, primitive basket basket weaver, and owner of Ancient WayTrader (a Native American art and music company.)
Margie began meditating in 1970, and was introduced to the the teachings shared by Drunvalo Melchizedek through a workshop in 2000. As an earth scientist knowing that everything fits together, this seemed the perfect webbing to connect All that Is the One. The School of Remembering releases need for a framework for knowledge , since the teachings lead us to remember who we are without divisions or categories, in a natural way, remembering there is only The One.

And, "poof!" there it all is.

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