Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Sumiko Shieri Watanabe

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Sumiko Shieri Watanabe


5 ratings:

Hello, it may be you who saw my profile by accident.

Maybe was not just a coincidence, 
but perhaps we are connected in our hearts? 
I have been qualified as an ATIH teacher this life but maybe you were my teacher more than 10,000 years ago. 
Let's connect our hearts again.
I am constantly learning from all students.
Let's remember who we really are and that we are all connected with our heart through the workshops.

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Eri Kawamura at Dec 06, 2020

I am very thanksfull of the theaching Ms Shieri Watanabe. It was wonderful time. Thanks.

Haruko Okada at Jan 25, 2014

I had a great time at workshop. Best workshop I have ever taken. I was crying so much for love and happiness while this workshop. I have never cried this much in front of people. However I did not care because friends I met there were my soul friends from Atlantis and universe in past life.

Now I know the heart is most important not the brain. I trust my heart 200% now.

Thank you very much for letting me to meet Sumiko and friends I met there.