Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Tom De Winter

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Tom De Winter




25 ratings:

Tom de Winter is an international bodywork coach and trainer and has over thirty years of experience in giving trainings to companies and members of the public. His website is www.tomdewinter.com In his workshops Tom de Winter guides participants in their mental, emotional and spiritual development by means of bodywork. Tom also hosts private and group sessions as a body consciousness therapist. Tom de Winter established a practice in Maierhöfen (Germany). Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops
In the nineties Tom de Winter was officially certified by Drunvalo Melchizedek as a trainer / coach in the ancient knowledge of the Sacred Geometry and travelled all over the world to give Drunvalo's Flower of Life workshops. As a development out of these workshops Tom designed new trainings on body consciousness and Alpha Enhancement. July 2011 Tom visited Drunvalo Melchizedek's new School of Remembering and is now officially an Awakening The Illuminated Heart Teacher.

Maierhöfen Meeting Point
In 2008 Tom followed a training Alpha Enhancement in the Biocybernaut Institute of Canada. Alpha Enhancement is a method to improve brainwave control using Neurofeedback.
In 2009 Tom bought a farm in Algeau, South Germany. And in the next Summer Europe's first Biocybernaut Center on Alpha Enhancement was founded in Treffpunkt Maierhöfen. Tom was delighted and sent out the following email: "Just came out of the chamber in order to test the equipment. This miracle became true in Europe, for all who are open to it!".
Soon, a third Biocybernaut Center will be opened in Sedona, USA.

Indigo Children
Last but not least, Tom de Winter hosts information evenings or afternoons about Indigo Children, where parents and teachers are given the opportunity to share their views on educating Indigo Children. The meetings last 2.5 hours and are for free. The location depends on where participants live. For forming a group of participants please contact the coordinator in your country or nearest town.

Books by Tom de Winter
60 years of Observing, living it, teach it
Life is in connection the world and people
All books are in Dutch, English, Polish and Russian laguages

Personal Website


2024-10-03 /

Polish organizer: Agnieszka Jurko
phone: (0048) 501 625 528
mail: agnieszka@agnieszkajurko.pl
in English translated into Polish...


Robert Bernas at Dec 04, 2022

Very postive and transformative atmosphere during Workshops. Like going to the warm waters of the beautiful lagoon, straight from the walk on the snowy road during the winter. Opening up senses that I haven't been using. World during the Workshops is a different World. The one that we wish to see and we work to create every day. So positive.

Joanna Szymankiewicz at Mar 21, 2019

Teaching Tom was definitely better than I expected. He has great energy, clear and understandable message. Maintains a high level of vibration in the classroom.

Dorota Bachleda-Curus at Mar 10, 2015

ATIH workshop was for me a beautiful and an amazing experience, I am very happy that I was able to participate in it :)

Dorota Bachleda-Curus at Mar 27, 2014

The course was amazing . Thank you

Hassan Khodor at Dec 05, 2013

Wonder experience, Tom has such great energy and I enjoyed being his student for a few days.

olga likhotina at Nov 02, 2013

All Ok!))

Karolina Bojad|ijew at Jul 10, 2013

Powerful experience, I believe the reminder was just perfect! :)

I am very grateful! Thank You!