Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®



Maja Roblek at Jul 15, 2024

Camellia is very positive warm person and teacher and shares valuable personal experiences. This workshop was very nice experience.

Yixuan Zhao at Jun 19, 2024

Camellia was a wonderful teacher, my understanding was greatly enhanced and I am so grateful for her gentle and clear guidance!

Mandy Jeffery at May 06, 2024

Camellia is the ultimate teacher for this - her metaphors, presence, love, patience, passion are inspiring and engaging.

The tech mishaps were a little disruptive, yet above all the course was fantastic. Thank you x

Julia Sabatine r at Apr 02, 2024

The experience of Awakening the Illuminated Heart with Camellia was the most profound healing experience of my life. I was finally able to access the consciousness and vibration inside of me that existed as a very young child, something I have known is possible but have been missing since my awakening. A space of pure being, loving, and experiencing. I have had intense experiences with meditation and years of daily practice leading up to this course, and I never could have imagined that these four days would create such an incredible positive shift in my personal experience on this planet. I now have a feeling of timelessness without longing or seeking, and a profound sense of peace over my past, present and future. Thank you, Camellia and The School of Remembering for creating, being and sharing.

Marvin Bundo at Mar 22, 2024

Excellent teacher with profound knowledge. The 4 days were amazing. I would recommend this training to everyone interested in opening and connecting with their heart.

Humberto Pea at Feb 20, 2024

Camellia is an extraordinary person, very loving and caring in teaching the course topics.

Remembering the illuminated heart with her is a very nice and extraordinary experience. Thank you Camellia. Blessings to you and all your family.

Jennifer Peck at Jan 22, 2024

This was life changing, and Camellia’s gentleness and genuine warmth made it extra wonderful. It was a beautiful balance of sacredness, joy, and connection, not easy to create in an online setting, but she did it. I feel like a different person and I’m so grateful. Thank you 💚

Wistaria Jo at Oct 07, 2023

This was my second event with Camellia. She is very precise in teaching the knowledge without distraction. I value the work and effort she puts into her workshops and will join her again in the future.

Avery Roswell at Sep 23, 2023

Camellia is filled with Love, patience and wisdom. All the qualities you would want a person to have who you entrust with such an important role of supporting a life changing shift that will lead to your remembering. Thank you so much Camellia for the work you have done and continue to do. Thank you for your unconditional love.

Kandice Mascotti at Sep 04, 2023

My true heart thanks you Camellia for you are love and light. Your kindness opened my heart to a whole new adventure. Thank you for your unconditional love!

Teresa Sorska at Sep 03, 2023

The first two days of shared information started with the basics of esoteric knowledge and I felt eager to speed up the process. 3rd and 4th days made me participate with my deep intentions. Results are beyond expectations! Thank you Camillia for your grace and compassion. The workshop ending with a sweat lodge was transformational and met my spiritual goal of connecting.

Marcus Knecht at May 23, 2023

What an intensive and fun experience Camellia hosted and guided us through. Highly recommend and cannot thank her enough for the care and attention to detail about everything. Very exciting stuff! Thank you Camellia!

Divina Porlares at Apr 02, 2023

This is one of the best and most uplifting experiences ever. I can't help to wish that every single awakening person take this course to help humanity remember of that precious illuminated heart we all were gifted with at birth.

Love and gratitude to Camellia, the School of Remembering and Drunvalo & Thoth, of course.

Katia Voltolin at Mar 31, 2023

It has been a life changing course, loved the work.

Thank you to Camellia for her great ability to carry us through all the teachings. I would highly recommend this course to all.

Christiane Niccolini Niccolini at Mar 30, 2023

I am lost for words at how much compassion and love I experienced through Camelia's teaching. She truly is an angelic being, absolutely devoted to being of service and was able to take us all on such a deep journey with extreme patience and kindness. Camelia speaks from her Heart, her words are both simple and transparent and yet they are deeply felt. She extends her compassion to all, judges none and her crystalline joy and light ripple into the lives she touches.

It was an honour to go on this journey with her, and will forever be grateful.

In Truth, Christiane

Tammy Marsico at Aug 23, 2022

This course has completely changed who I am inside. My heart has opened to a place I never knew possible and to be in the frequency of unconditional love daily is such a gift. Not only has this course opened my heart, but it brought together and made clear so much of my spiritual journey. It connected so many of the dots of what had occurred on my spiritual path in the past. Camellia is such a beautiful soul and I am grateful to have had her lead me in this beautiful process.

Neelima Kalani Kalani at Aug 22, 2022

I attended the ATIH workshop with Camellia Val. It was a profound experience with beautifully designed fun exercises to open the heart and fill it with unconditional love which led to deep connections in the meditations. Also, the feeling of gratitude and bliss for receiving such precious knowledge is invaluable and surreal. May this divine knowledge reach and bless countless beings in their ascension journey!

Kamal Dhingra at Aug 22, 2022

Gratitude and many thanks to Camellia for such an amazing and life transformative experience, really appreciate her dedication and experienced insight to simply the contents and exercises.

Marga Sattva at Aug 22, 2022

This was absolutely fantastic journey of 4 days, felt like 1 month though. A lot of gratitude to Camellia for creating this space and atmosphere of love and trust. Amazing feeling of recognizing of other participants on a soul level. I'm already observing big changes in myself after the workshop. Looking forward to even more positive changes in my life and I hope to see Camellia and my group again at other workshops.

Jon Hogue at Jun 29, 2021

Camellia is a wonderful, wise, kind and loving teacher! I really liked that the class gets right to the point without being too complicated. The class felt really loving.

Marinela Pali at Apr 28, 2021

Camellia is a beautiful soul with a peaceful, calm, loving energy. I had many amazing experiences the 4 days with her but the most profound one was healing my inner child. During the process, following Camellias directions, I immediately felt my energy channels opening in a state of bliss and established a very strong connection with my inner child. I cried and smiled all at the same time. I released emotions and feelings I didn't know I was holding on to. I felt my heart open more and expand. Since the workshop, I feel very peacful, motivated and grateful and I can't wait to continue learning and experiencing life from the tiny space of my heart. Thank you, Camellia! I'm forever grateful!!!

Stephanie Da Ponte at Apr 26, 2021

It was such a true joy and pleasure meeting Camellia and the group. The experience and healing received plus all the new tools I learned to take me forward on my journey are life changing. I am so grateful. This experience was phenomenal.

Giselle McPherson at Apr 26, 2021

I have no words in the English dictionary to describe the experience I had this week. I am so beyond blessed to have had this experience and my teacher Camellia is a beautiful, loving, gentle soul. She has great knowledge and I am so grateful to have met her. Drunvalo has done an outstanding job at all his years of research. Thank you to Drunvalo and Camellia guiding me towards the light and helping me remember my full potential. I feel like I just graduated from earth school. My Soul is at peace and feels outpouring love to share to the world!


It was a profound and healing experience. I enjoyed it immensely.

Lori Bateman at Jan 16, 2021

This was a transformative course led by beautiful soul, Camellia, which came at the perfect time on my spiritual journey. Learning about heart coherence and our multiple energetic fields and especially how to access them was so enlightening. Entering the sacred heart portal was something I knew about years ago, however I didn't know quite how to get there. Now I do, and it has opened a whole new world of divine expansion.

It was such an enjoyable few days, sharing and connecting with other beautiful souls in a most sacred way.

Heidi Wilson at Jan 16, 2021

A most positive experience on my journey. Camellia delivers the message with great integrity and much genuine love. It was a sacred space, and I am very grateful. Thank you.

Mary Leeway Leeway at Jan 13, 2021

Camellia presented a beautiful and life changing workshop. I am deeply grateful for the experience and feel truly blessed. I am buzzing with cosmic energy and am blown away by the magic that took place. Thank you!

Lydia Goh at Dec 12, 2020

I have learnt how to access the tiny space in my heart...it is very grounding for me. Thanks Camelia

Barry Tan at Nov 18, 2020

I am so full with appreciation and love in my heart for having Camellia be an instrumental part of my own heart ascension journey. Doing the sixth ATIH workshop with her has profoundly deepen my practice in integrating more and more of living from within my heart. The teachings experienced with her grace, presence and support is felt deeply even through a virtual setting. Camellia is a living embodiment of the Melchizedek consciousness and the pure joy, authencity and light of her divine child within shines through as she guides the meditations. Thank you beloved Drunvalo! With my heart singing, I highly recommend truly, the gem that is Camellia.

Jamie Goodwin Goodwin at Nov 18, 2020

Totally enjoyed learning from Camellia. A gifted teacher who is ever present with her child within, making the experience very fun and unique and authentic. Throughout the course she was very accommodating for every participant.

My partner and I did the course together online. Because of the timezone difference our course times were 8pm till 1am. This is very late for us as we normally go to bed between 8.30 and 9pm, however Camellia is so engaging our attention remained very alert for the majority of the time.

I'm sure you will also love her teaching style as we did

Ty Stevenson Stevenson at Nov 17, 2020

Camellia was an awesome teacher full of passion and love. She was very thoughtful, cheerful, and enthusiastic. Would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to advance in spirituality.

Rosemary Wood at Nov 16, 2020

I gave the highest answer to all questions, except those few that have to do with my own integration and application of this material, only because the workshop stretched me and I feel I have yet to do some growing into it in my life. Otherwise, it was a wonderful, life changing workshop that went well beyond my expectations. I am deeply grateful for this experience. Camellia is an excellent teacher.

Holly Foy at Nov 11, 2020

Camellia is a wonderful teacher and so filled with love and wisdom which really comes through in the class. It was a wonderful experience!

William Martinez at Nov 03, 2020

Camellia Val is a truly wonderful teacher and I am very grateful to have been a part of her class. She is highly understanding, supportive, loving and kind to say the least. Love her accent as well!

The class itself was profound beyond words. This has been exactly the information and confirmation that I have been seeking. If you too feel compelled to understand the wisdom offered by The School of Remembering, Drunvalo Melchizedek and the ATIH workshop; Look no further.

Thank you again for everything, Camellia!!

Peace profound, Light and Love to all.

-William Victor Martinez

Geoff Link at Sep 09, 2020

It is impossible to overstate how fantastic an experience this course is and if you are thinking about it I would strongly recommend you just do it. To be around Camellia is to be loved unconditionally. Her knowledge and wisdom are empowering, and her steady, nurturing guidance creates an ideal space for coming to a fuller personal realization of this information. A profound thank you to my class, to Drunvalo and to Camellia! Namaste.

Veronique Bisaillon at Aug 19, 2020

It was very helpful for me to be able to ask questions about my recent meditation experiences and link Drunvalo's information to my experience. I really enjoy the exercises and meditations in a variety in team. I am very happy with the workshop and Camellia's expertise.

Johanne Mercier at Aug 17, 2020

Carmellia is a wonderful teacher. She is loving and giving. The information was clearly delivered. I read the books suggested prior the workshop so it was easy. I was able to access deep levels of meditation and my experience was fantastic. But, when I meditate alone at home, it is different. I think I would need more time with the group. I would sign up for a follow-up 2 days workshop or something like that to really feel comfortable with this beautiful process. The cost of the workshop was more than reasonable compared to other workshops I have done. All in all, it was fantastic.

Wistaria Jo at Aug 14, 2020

I was drawn to Camellia Val quite magically with no idea what I was signing up for. Obviously my spirit was not going to let me miss meeting such a beautiful group of beings for this profound soul connection. I loved the event immensely, my heart feels like home again.

Chris Clouse at Aug 08, 2020

I have been a student of higher teachings since my (late) mother instilled in me an awareness of the sixth sense that we all possess at varying degrees. Then my father (and today would have been his birthday) instilled in me a closeness with the one Father we all share. This course re-connected me with both mother and father spirits, in my heart, and I am forever grateful for this experience.

Tanner Kamisky at Jul 09, 2020

A phenomenal teacher, I enjoyed following along to every word of Earth angel Camellia.

Karmah Shrishti at Jul 05, 2020

Camellia was an absolutely wonderful teacher. I really hope to one day meet her in person. Her beautiful voice echos lessons through my mind and probably will for the rest of my life. I am so wildly grateful to her for being who she is.

Maggie Balson at Jun 16, 2020

This is my second time doing the ATIH course with Camellia. This time it was via Zoom, which was a somewhat different experience than in-person - but it was surprisingly good - and in some ways better! Camellia has such a beautiful, authentic energy and I love her guidance of the journeys. Thank you so much!

Thomas KURAL at Jun 10, 2020

Camellia Val, our teacher, was absolutely incredible. She embodies Melchizedek conscious to such a degree of purity, of joy and of love that I could not imagine anyone else bringing these teachings to our society. Thank you for the bottom of my heart

Frankie Li Li at Jun 07, 2020

Will definitely recommend to everyone. Amazing experience I never had before. My heart is more open to send and receive love. Merkaba activation is one of the most value thing we must have. Just enjoy whatever you could do in the workshop.

EldoRa Rose at May 28, 2020

Camelia is pure LOVE. She radiated love throughout the event and made us feel so welcome. She held space for all of our questions and did not rush us at all.

Camelia's access to higher teachings was very valuable during the Course, and I loved how she answered everyone's questions based on these higher teachings.

I loved Camelia's loving voice during the meditations.

I felt a heart expansion after the workshop and have felt more IN MY HEART since then. This has been consistent and has shifted me deeply.

I will definitely be attending more workshops with Camelia and the School of Remembering.

Jacob Moody at May 21, 2020

Camellia was a wonderful teacher with an amazing energy. Its only been two weeks since i finished her workshop and i have a completely new appreciation for myself and the world around me. 100% would recommend

Umair Nauman Nauman at May 08, 2020

I attended the course "Awakening The Illuminated Heart" with Camelia in April 2020 via an online zoom setting. She is an excellent teacher and her love and care can be felt through and through. She guided us very well and took time to explain every question we had. Her delivery stile is very engrossing as she weaves stories into her material which is very captivating. She allowed ample time for the attendees to connect with each other and we all felt like soul family towards the end and were feeling a bit sad that the course had to come to an end.

Only thing to improve would be that during some meditations the sound volume was too low and we were having difficulty hearing her voice...but once we pointed that it Camellia repeated the meditiation with us and fixed the problem :)

All in all...a highly recommended course for anyone on their spiritual path.

Cory Binning at May 04, 2020

Cammelia facilitated a drastic impact spiritually on me. I had a very intense energy breakthrough. She is passionate and sincere and her love for the work shines brightly. AMAZING 10/10

Jonathan Parkinson at May 04, 2020

I was so impressed with Camellia as a teacher. She was patient and loving at all times, and the information was very clear. I have had the good fortune of working with Camellia before and I would highly recommend her as a really enlightened teacher. The only reasons for scores of 8 for the venue and use of technology was that being in lockdown this presented some challenges (Zoom) but no reflection on the teacher

Juan Manuel Gonzalez Galindo at Apr 13, 2020


Camellia rocks! However, being her first virtual workshop, there were some technical complications out of her hands that in some ocassions, in my opinion, diminished the effectiveness of the activities such not listening properly the sound or her voice faiding out very often. In any case, these virtual disadvantages were somehow compensated with her intention and lovely energy. If she manages to work on those technicalities for next workshops, she will be even more effective. Thanks a million to Camellia for helping us to access our sacred heart, find our tiny space and activate our Merkaba. We love you!! ;-)

Beatriz Eugenia Reyes Villarreal at Apr 13, 2020

The course was very good but as time is going by, i am forgetting how to activate the merkaba, or do the meditation on my own. I am starting to find it challenging to remember. I would appreciate some material (even if basic) so that we can practice with more confidence.

Otherwise I am very passionate about the contents of the course, it was very interesting, inspiring and will love to do one live (this was online due to COVID-19) nevertheless the overall experience was awesome and Camelia was very patient and clear in her presentations. Thank you!

Thank you to Drunvalo for your teachings! I will love to do a session with him one day.

LANDON JACKLE at Apr 07, 2020

Camillia is absolutely amazing and I am still high from the experience.

Portia Lee at Apr 07, 2020

Drunvalo’s techniques along with Camellias capabilities and knowledge level were unparalleled to all experiences I’ve held thus far. I am honored and humbled at this experience. 🙏

Crystal Peterson at Apr 06, 2020

Camellia is an excellent instructor! She made me feel welcomed and explained the course material perfectly.

YAN LING LUO at Feb 15, 2020

On the second day of workshop, when the teacher Ms. Camellia guide us to connect the energy which run to the left of body as representing the female energy, a beautiful woman gave me a gift on my hand is a sea shell and a word of "LOVE". When Egypt’s Thoth appeared in my right side when I meditate on male representation, he gave me a White Feather Pan and with a word of "HEAL". The energy was calm and natural, but when Ms. Camellia asked us to quickly switch the gifts what the female representative and the male representative gave to us with my left and right hands, I felt my body was shaken due to my energy instability, Thoth turned 180 degrees from my right to left side speed like lightning, he helped me to balance my energy. While a section for learning to heal each other, I was able to receive the energy as rainbow-colored from the universe to heal my classmates. When a classmate asked why she had received negative energy from others while helping them to heal then resulted a lump on her hand.I am so grateful, because I have a spontaneous method of being naturally to receive the cosmic energy from my head as rainbow lights into my body then split it into two stream: A stream that passes vertically from my arm to my hand then follow to my classmate, the body of my classmate is covered or scanned by a rainbow light, another stream was through the spine of my body then connected to earth, so this method may not absorb the energy of classmate.

On the third day of workshop, February 1, 2020, Thoth and Jesus Christ appeared during a meditation session which we lay down together with our heads in a circle. I asked if two of them could be my guru together. They said OK. Later, while learning to enter the tiny space of my heart, my deep fear appeared when I was in the sacred space, which was originally golden color with bright view, but turned into darkness. I invited Jesus Christ and Thoth to help me, and they showed up. I rested on their shoulders or in their arms, when they checked with me whether we were ready, and then the three of us were holding hands and forming a heart shape, flew instantly into the galactic space and traveled to the sun. I ask the sun: are we all particles of the sun, and from love? the sun smiled and said yes.

On the fourth and last day of workshop,a most special day, 2 February 2020, the absolute beauty of symmetry, 20200202, we learned to open the third eye and melcaba. When open the merkaba, Thoth and Jesus Christ appeared, When Ms. Camellia instructed us to hold and compress the golden ball three times, so that we start our merkaba, I saw very beautiful images: a seed of tree from the golden red light of merkaba field, then followed by the incredible background is all things live in harmony, plant, animal, human with Jesus Christ, and then two tree (tree of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil) merge into a new tree, which this new tree is growing up from above-mentioned seed of tree. A new and perfect universe began. I'll never forget that those images like a movie. All things are one, praise the perfection and wisdom of the universe!

Shiraz Rehmani at Feb 10, 2020

The teacher, Camellia Tatchev is an incredibly warm and loving person who makes you feel comfortable and welcome from the moment you meet her. See went out of her way to help each and every student.

The last days events were a little rushed and it was difficult to remember all that was done on that day due to the altered state of consciousness that one is in. I did NOT experience the humming tone either in the sacred space or the tiny space in the heart. However I did experience body vibrations as soon as I connected with mother earth and these continued to the end of the meditation.

In my practice at home I have a hard time getting any light in the scene of the sacred space or tiny space even though I ask for it. Also the scenario that I come across in the meditation is in no way consistent from session to session.

Overall I would say it was a very good experience and I hope it will get better with time.

Tess Woo at Feb 05, 2020

Thank you Camillia for the beautiful and profound experience! It was so exhilerating to have the beautiful sounds of chanting and singing surrounding us during the group healing session bringing us onto a whole new level of deeper healing and consciousness. It has been a life transformation experience how I perceive living in the heart! Where we trully find peace and love in the tiny space of your heart! - Tess❤❤❤

Shalyn Thong at Feb 04, 2020

I am so grateful to Camellia for showing me the way to my heart. This workshop has brought me a divine peace and wisdom that has changed my life for sure. I wish everyone could benefit from this change too, but please note that I put 8/10 for "how inclined to reccommend course" because I know that everyone has their own path, and some people might be turned off to the idea that love is the answer to everything. I am just hoping to be careful and mindful of how I share about this course, but I would like my actions to shine above all else, to be a testament to the wonders that this awakening has brought me. Thank you all once again <3

Phang Wu Lim at Feb 03, 2020

Camellia and our venue host created a safe environment for our event. She facilitated the growth and breakthroughs for each participant with love and patience. I would strongly recommend anyone on a spiritual journey to attend her workshop!

Sonia Ruiz at Jan 20, 2020

This workshop was one of my highest and most pro funded one I have ever done. I am extremely pleased with our instructor, Camellia who dedicated and gave all her love, understanding and knowledge to make me feel safe, and able to go deeper into my heart. Since the completion of the workshop my life has turned around and I feel more centered and at peace. There are no words to describe your wonderful work, Camellia and there is not enough words to express my gratitude. Only that I was one of many souls, who had the great fortune to have met you and believe in you and your teachings.


WOW!!!! Camillia is an excellent teacher. This is the third time attending the atih workshop. The feminine energy is sooooo..... much stronger , smoother, and complete. You can feel the change since 2012. I wish to thank all the participants for the love, light and laughter thru my tears of happiness. My heart is singing!! I would highly recommend Camillia as a guiding light in this ascension process. You are all, forever, in my heart.

In love and light,

Mary E. Ashton

Imke Wemken at Jan 15, 2020

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Carmellia who not only is an exceptional teacher but hosted our group for four days in her beautiful home.

It surprised me how fast with specific rituals, exercises, teachings and resulting healings she enabled everyone to open their hearts and heighten their consciousness and compassion so much that the whole group could sense the oneness of the hearts. Thank you to Carmellia and to everyone in my new soul family for contributing your love to this amazing experience. I love you all!

Albert Rozsalyi at Jan 14, 2020

Camellia Val is a beautiful soul full of light.

Dmitri Sennikov at Sep 23, 2019

It was a wonderful experience with Camellia! Beautiful space, great instruction and amazing people! With the light beams activated, Merkaba back in rotation and utilizing the creation from the heart technique, I've noticed myself on an accelerated path where things, people, and projects are simply lining up right in front me.

From the deepest (and tiniest) space of my heart, thank you Camellia and thank you Drunvalo for putting together such a life-changing workshop in just 4 days!

Bhavna Sehgal at Sep 11, 2019

Camellia is a fantastic teacher. And a better person. I would definitely recommend this course and I finally understood the power that lies in our hearts. Through this course I have gained powerful tools to help me awaken to a higher consciousness.

Thank you for everything you do Camellia.

Katrin Maslenkova at Sep 10, 2019

The ATIH workshop with Camellia Tatchev was absolutely wonderful!

I experienced an overwhelming amount of love for others and myself, which seemed to build up with each and every day. Some meditations we did were very useful in building up my confidence and trusting my senses during meditations. Other ones were incredibly healing.

I enjoyed the mix of theoretical teachings and practical applications to our own lives. It was also amazing hearing personal stories of Camellia as well as the participants - that added an understanding of real world implications of our new knowledge.

I highly recommend the workshop and Camellia to anyone who feels drawn to taking this step in their personal and spiritual journey! <3

- Love, Katrin

Katherine Dankewich at Sep 09, 2019

I am now 65 and 2 yrs ago I went to Peruvian Amazon jungle to a 3 week Ayahuasca retreat. That was the absolute most profound mind altering life changing event in my life and I assumed nothing would ever equal that experience. WRONG. Camillia conducted the ATIH 4 day course in a deeply profound way. In a group of 12, I felt completely safe. Camillia took me, us step by step deeper and deeper on our way into the most sacred space of the heart. Her patience, deep caring, beautiful mesmerizing voice, and her deep knowledge kept taking us deeper and deeper building on each step and meditation until, at the end each and every one of us made it to the sacred tiny place in our heart. It was as profound as the Amazon jungle experience but more of a physical experience.

I was EXTREMELY impressed with the entire course from the first minute to the end of the 4th day.

I would HIGHLY recommend not only this course but Camillia as a teacher. I have taken many many different courses over the last 3 decades but again NOTHING has been this educational and useable. The other courses were informative but not profound and lasting and useable AFTER I returned home like ATIH.

If you want the most profound Heart opening experience, take this course and if you are in the vicinity of Camillia, she is THE MOST AWESOME


Tillsonburg Ontario

Mona Macarios at Sep 07, 2019

Camellia is first very knowledgeable and very informative.

She is very welcoming to all.

The course is quite life changing and insightful. .

Volodymyr Mandyuk at May 10, 2019

Thank You Camellia

We have a amazing team

Gail Eastmond at Apr 26, 2019

My experience with Camellia and the group is unforgettable. Camellia aura is angelic and so healing I just had to ask her for a hug from the first day. I am forever changed by discovering my tiny space in the heart, a whole world of possibilities is at my fingertips. The space she created allowed me to surrender and feel loved enough to share with the others what was unfolding inside of me. Through her Drunvalo’ s teachings leapt off the page and were brought to life. Much blessings on her and her work with Drunvalo. Namaste Gail

Carla Valencia at Apr 23, 2019

Excellent experience!. The teacher was great so the group. I would recommend it to everybody , it will change your life. Thank you.

Pierre Perron at Apr 23, 2019

The event with Camillia was out of this world. During the four-days course, I felt like I was traveling at the speed of light to end up into another dimension; which of pure love.

Svetlana Novikova at Feb 10, 2019

This workshop was a life changing event. In my experience many layers of old emotional traumas and blocks were revealed, cleared, and healed. Camellia is an amazing person and a powerful healer. It was a blessing to spend four days in a close family-like atmosphere with a group of beautiful people and an honour to meet Camellia.

Michal Recka at Jan 18, 2019

Awesome, powerful and very well thought through workshop! Indeed good job setting this up. Also thank you Camellia so much for your love, truthfulness and joy that shines from you for miles. It was very contagious and I think the whole group felt very comfortable around you. At one moment during the "rebirth" after the sound healing, I really felt like you were my mother with all the love mothers have for their children. I am very happy I took this workshop with specifically you, even though I had no idea about who you are before :)

I am looking forward to spend more time with you at some of the other events you organize. Bless you and sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you.


Fabio Santos at Jan 14, 2019

Camellia is just a wonderful human being and such a nice teacher. Thank you for everything! She has it all figure it out till the details.

Paris Lim at Nov 12, 2018

Camillia is one of the most loving and humble being that I have met who radiates love. Her passion and enthusiasm is evident every moment. She is a natural healer and teacher who has imparted invaluable knowledge. I look forward to learning more from her.

Shawn Kiyotaka Fukuzaki at Nov 09, 2018

Beautiful workshop in the right time. Namaste!

Aneliya Atanasova at Oct 23, 2018

Camellia is a wonderful teacher, leader and person. She is extremely charming, peaceful and calm; always smiling and friendly welcoming her clients. Camellia is very competent and experienced about "Awaening The Illuminated Heart" topic. I am happy to use in my life and job everything she gave our group!

Costa Schizas at Mar 02, 2018

this was my second ATIH workshop with Camellia. I learned so much again in the second workshop that i feel like it was a whole new experience Camellia was knowledgable and took the time to answer each question from the students fully so thar everyone could understand befroe we moved on. we were all very attentive and absorbed all the teachings that were being given. Camellia is a very good teacher and spritual guide. many of he students experienced wonderful healings and visions during our time in the workshop and after.

Cristina Constantinescu at Feb 25, 2018

Camellia is a pure soul. She lives in the heart and she teaches from the sacred space of her heart. She perfectly blends the theoretical information with her personal experiences in order to help her students to understand and be able to use their own experiences in their journey. You are amazing Camellia!!!!! Thank you from my heart!!

Marie Paule Missidi at Feb 22, 2018

Camellia is very warm, understanding and opened teacher. I enjoyed her class very much, I definitely recommend it.

Andrew Silaidis at Oct 22, 2017

If you are looking for the presence magic...it is here

Steven Gardner Gardner at Sep 23, 2017

This course was everything I was expecting plus so much more. Camellia is an excellent teacher and I recommend her to all.

Sal Bhullar at Sep 18, 2017

Camilla is an incredible teacher, mentor. She is great and we enjoyed her teachings and experience. I would recommend her to everyone I know.

Costa Schizas at Sep 18, 2017

I highly recommend this workshop for anybody looking to raise their level of conscienceness

Rima AlGhazal at Sep 06, 2017

Camellia's warmth, understanding and knowledge made a difference in grasping many ideas, concepts and details. She was very patient in terms of responding to any question and trying to explain and clarify it to her best ability! Overall, it was very insightful, useful and wonderful retreat with her facilitating and making us very welcome and valuable; although i could not achieve one of the goals for attending this workshop, however, this is a very personal matter, each attendee will experience the workshop in very personal way and patience is a virtue of a person toward enlightenment! It was a very enjoyable and worth my investment of time and money. She has such an open and generous spirit. Highly recommended!

Maddalena Pelosi at Sep 06, 2017

A very profound experience!

Truly important for everyone in this time of transition and transformation!

Jean Soleille at Sep 06, 2017

Camelia is from the heavens. She is a true delight and brings not only Drunvalo's wisdom to us but also her refreshing accent brings joy and merriment to our hearts..

Ask her about the peach and the pit.

Yves Dupont at Sep 06, 2017

My experience went well beyond my expectations. Camellia, like an angel, took me there gently and all the way.

Tensley Hartwell at Sep 05, 2017

her voice was extremely effective for leading meditation and ceremony. i wasable to go deeply into meditation like never before

Rosa Beig at May 24, 2017

Camellia is a great teacher, she is kind and knowledgeable. I have learned how love is powerful and important and it can change everything in the life. this workshop bring harmony and balance in body and it is a beautiful present you can give to yourself.

Linda Angove at May 24, 2017

Camellia did a wonderful job presenting this material.

She was quite knowledgable and patient in answering our many questions.

As the class progressed I came to better understand her amazing disposition and outlook on life. She clearly has used the information she has learned to benefit all who meet her. As well, I now have an interest in pursuing more courses in this area.

I would highly recommend her.

Athanasios Pavlopoulos at May 24, 2017

This training is paramount to one's spiritual development. It realigns one's previous training onto the right path and one progresses in whatever direction one chooses at lightening speed. It literally changes one's perception of reality. I am overwhelmed at having access to such a high level of training and I have had many. True wisdom starts here. To those who can see and believe, I wish you every success in reaching your highest potential. Love is the light that illuminates your path.

Frances Cheung at Mar 24, 2017

I feel Camellia is a master teacher. She beautifully embodies her teachings and lives with an open heart. I experienced being totally at ease in her presence and felt the magical effects of her voice during guided meditations. At times soft and sweet, at times deep and powerful, I felt her voice serving as an invitation leading me deeper into the core of my own being.

During the ATIH workshop, each participant connected well with her and through the exercises she led, all of us connected deeply with each other. We loved the whole experience. Thank you !

Sheldon Jo at Mar 24, 2017

The ATIH workshop is a beautiful, transformative, and potent workshop! It seems best suited for those with some experience in spirituality in general and of course, Drunvalo's work specifically!

As a teacher, guide, and facilitator, I cannot speak highly enough of Camellia Tatchev!!! She brings her beautiful Light, her personal experiences, and her sincere desire to clearly and purely transmit Drunvalo's teachings with so much Love and compassion that you cannot help but to be opened and transformed by the process!

Thank you Drunvalo and thank you Camellia for bringing forth such an incredible teaching! So much Love and gratitude... Sheldon

Tanner Kamisky at Mar 09, 2017

The workshop was truly transformative in every positive sense of the word. My whole life has changed as a result of the workshop. I booked my flight to the island just a few days before the workshop, following my heart, and I am glad for it. These teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek are timeless. I shall take the soul teachings with me and my experiences with our class and store them near and dear inside my heart. With gratitude for our loving teacher who joyously brought these teachings to us~Thank you for your deliberateness, professionalism, expertise, and compassion Camelia. You're radiant.

Didi Fadiah at Feb 21, 2017

Joining ATIH workshop is a life changing guided by Divine that one feel deep inside their heart. I thank Camellia for her amazing being and to create the workshop such a beautiful experience for each of participant we carried throughout our life. Truly grateful for her love.

Ahmed Ehsanul Karim at Jan 29, 2017

I am very happy to attend "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" workshop conducted by Camellia Tatchev at Singapore from 12-15 January 2017. I consider myself to be very lucky to receive valuable knowledge of Drunvalo through her. The teacher, in my opinion, has vast knowledge and experience in this field and therefore can present the complicated thing/topic in a very simple way. The voice of the teacher is very suitable for guided meditation and her instruction for doing meditation and other processes was very clear and easy to follow. During the course, all the participants went through a process of healing and my healing process experience was very powerful. The overall arrangement for the course was very good and there was enough time for lunch and tea breaks. I enjoyed the program very much.

Shu Wei Choong at Jan 19, 2017

I had much more understanding about the modules after the 4 days workshop. It changes the way I think as I met with these group of people and learned to open up my heart.

Thanks to Camellia and the new friends that I have made!

Muhammed Mizan at Jan 19, 2017

We talk a lot about hearty life without experiencing the heart. Through the very sensitive heart of Camellia Tatchev and the whole teaching process, I experienced myself in the heart. It is a divine gift. I bow to the teaching and the teacher/s.

Sophie Crawley at Jan 17, 2017

A very empowering and tender workshop! The content joined many dots for me and confirmed many ideas and feelings. It was a deep experience to feel connected to the group within a space of loving kindness. A joy to behold. The experience has provided a greater courage to be in my joy more firmly this year...To have greater belief in the power of our love/light without losing hope in the face of darkness ..and that this gentle yet strong power of unity and kindness can indeed move mountains. Thanks Camellia for your support and love throughout!

mun leong yim at Jan 16, 2017

Very clear explanation at the perfect pace, novice to advanced participants can all follow & progress together.

Julia Lee at Dec 21, 2016

Camellia is a good teacher and I can feel her love right from the first email from her. She is a dedicated teacher and I would recommend my friends to take her course. I would like to share here my wonderful experience which took place the next day after the completion of the workshop. That afternoon, I met my friend and her family from Quebec at a restaurant. Her two-year-old daughter was then in a very bad mood and cried due to tiredness for the long hours of travel. My friend looked tired and stressed as her daughter could continue crying for the whole day according to her experience. Nobody seemed to be able to calm her down.Then I showed her my gift of a dress that made her stop crying but still in bad mood. My friend felt relieved as she could then settled to have lunch with me. She felt strange because from past experience, nothing could stop her crying so fast. Though in bad mood, her daughter could start to eat. After our enjoyable lunch, I asked my friend to put her daughter on the dress, and asked her daughter to show her gratitude by way of a kiss to me. Immediately, she delivered two kisses to me without hesitation. According to my friend, that movement was unprecedented and her daughter seldom showed gratitude with a kiss, not even to my friend's sisters. Then again I asked her to hug me, and without hesitation, she gave me 2 hugs. My friend had dropping jaws then as not until then,she has never seen her behaving like that to a stranger. At the parking lot before the farewell, I asked her to hug me again, she gave me two other hugs. My friend was amazed and remarked that her daughter and I must have been friends in our past lives. I guessed instead, she felt the love vibration I carried with me from the workshop.

Julia Lee at Dec 21, 2016

I would like to share here my wonderful experience which took place the next day after the completion of the workshop. That afternoon, I met my friend and her family from Quebec at a restaurant. Her two-year-old daughter was then in a very bad mood and cried due to tiredness for the long hours of travel. My friend looked tired and stressed as her daughter could continue crying for the whole day according to her experience. Nobody seemed to be able to calm her down.Then I showed her my gift of a dress that made her stop crying but still in bad mood. My friend felt relieved as she could then settled to have lunch with me. She felt strange because from past experience, nothing could stop her crying so fast. Though in bad mood, her daughter could start to eat. After our enjoyable lunch, I asked my friend to put her daughter on the dress, and asked her daughter to show her gratitude by way of a kiss to me. Immediately, she delivered two kisses to me without hesitation. According to my friend, that movement was unprecedented and her daughter seldom showed gratitude with a kiss, not even to my friend's sisters. Then again I asked her to hug me, and without hesitation, she gave me 2 hugs. My friend had dropping jaws then as not until then,she has never seen her behaving like that to a stranger. At the parking lot before the farewell, I asked her to hug me again, she gave me two other hugs. My friend was amazed and remarked that her daughter and I must have been friends in our past lives. I guessed instead, she felt the love vibration I carried with me from the workshop.

Iren Chapman at Dec 20, 2016

Camellia is a beautiful soul! She SHINES with pure love, light, warmth and kindness! This 4 day workshop was absolutely amazing. Filled with SO much healing, love and reconnecting with my heart, left me feeling totally bathed in my soul essence. Truly a sacred experience! Camellia is without a doubt a very gifted and enthusiastic teacher!!

With much love and appreciation.

Dawn Demeter at Dec 08, 2016

I thought the course was incredible however, I wish it might have had more time to hear other people's experiences and more interaction

Sabrina Keck-Goeldlin at Nov 29, 2016

This workshop was an important milestone in my spiritual journey and I feel the teacher and the information given had greatly influenced my mind into the right direction and i am immensely greatful for this.

Trudi Bannister at Jul 31, 2016

Camellia Tatchev is an amazing teacher and an absolutely gorgeous woman. She is pure love and embodies / imparts the teachings beautifully. The 4 days of ATIH were literally life changing. The Sufi practices, meditations, activations, healing and sharing were utterly divine. We had an amazing group and were lead with complete devotion by Camellia. Day 4 of the course was my 44th birthday, so it felt extremely significant. I did the course just under one month before following my soul calling to move to France, so was really able to draw upon the tools and practices to navigate packing, moving and relevant challenges with relative grace and a heart full of love. I feel infinitely blessed to have done this course and be a part of a group who are living and loving with open hearts.

Natalie Kolev at Jul 24, 2016

This class is an amazing work of art and knowledge of human nature. Very grateful to be alive and able to experience it!

Camellia is such a loving, gentle, caring, beautiful teacher! Her nurturing and healing powers are amazing! Thank you for doing this work!

Calvin Hopkins at Jul 13, 2016

The teacher was great. Best seminar I have completed

Christina Ralston at Jul 12, 2016

Camellia Tatchev is a wonderful and welcoming instructor. From the moment we arrived, everything was open and loving, and she was pleased to answer any and all questions.

Question 14 for me only received a 6 from me because I became very ill shortly after Day 4 began, and I was unable to complete it, and as such didn't see the class end. This is in no way due to the class itself being in any way less than the very best; I simply can't add a 10 to a day I could not complete.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who enjoys learning! A very spiritual experience awaits anyone who feels ready.

Jesse Wamsley at Jul 10, 2016

Absolutely loved it.

Nancy Missel at Jul 08, 2016

I am delighted to have experienced Camellia's wonder filled worrkshop. I felt her warmth and love radiate from all of her facilitation including details of music selection, imagery, set ups and stories. I felt her intention to be thorough and compassionate.

Kay Hale at Jul 07, 2016

I really benefited from the course and 6 out of 7 of us were able to complete it. I would recommend the course highly to individuals who are around 400 to 500 already. For people in lower states of consciousness, I would recommend at least 1-2 years of NLP or other spiritual paths first

Keyur Patel at Jul 05, 2016

The workshop is fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the activities and exercises and I feel transformed. Camellia is a great teacher and makes the workshop fun and exciting.

Jane Tumbri at Jun 06, 2016

This was the most spiritually rewarding course I have attended (and have been wishing to attend for many years). I am so greatful that our teacher, who was absolutely gorgeous, travelled from Canada to Singapore to teach us. Lots of Love Jane x

Jimmie Read at May 29, 2016

This was my 2nd ATIH and again, Camellia was the teacher. She is a light and the perfect person to be teaching ATIH.

I'm so glad I repeated the workshop as I gained a new level of innerstanding.


Natalie Macawaris at May 28, 2016

My only expectation when I joined the workshop was to open my heart and learn how to live in it. The workshop met my expectations and more. The entire event was a magical and very loving experience. I felt at home with everyone, who were all strangers. Camellia epitomizes the loving teacher really qualified to teach this course. Thank you for this experience that I feel opens a new life for me.

Jun Mi Tan at May 25, 2016

It was truly a magical experience filled with love, unity & fun throughout the ATIH workshop led by Camellia. I was impressed by how Camellia walked us through the entire workshop effectively in an extraordinary way. I felt her loving guidance & authentic sharing from her heart. Thank you, teacher Camellia! Namaste!

Jane Lee at May 25, 2016

I feel the workshop has quite a tight schedule with only an hour or less for lunch each day so some parts feel kinda rushed.

Louise Bastarache at Apr 09, 2016

Thank You!

Deanna Fry at Mar 15, 2016

Camellia created a very loving, safe and nurturing environment in which to deliver the ATIH program at the Balanced Life Yoga studio in Ajax. She guided us through the program masterfully, with patience for the many questions and discussions that evolved. The program itself is very well thought out and sequenced. I feel the ATIH workshop helped prepare me for the wonderful experiences I had at a recent yoga retreat in Guatemala and am very grateful. I am currently focusing on the Heart meditations - and will now access the School of Remembering website for support in taking this further as I feel comfortable and called to do so. Thanks to all involved for an awesome program and experience!

Deanna Fry

Leanne McCurdy at Feb 12, 2016

Amazing experience! I feel it has changed me in so many positive ways!

Camellia is wonderful!

Dariusz Pietrzyk at Feb 11, 2016

Good experience, but I hoped for more results. Maybe I need to work more on myself to get there.

Akhyra Renomeron at Feb 09, 2016

I loved this workshop, it has inspired me to be more connected to my heart and live through it and not stress! At first i was stress about paying on time and getting there on time but....you know the universe flows and i should i. I learned that... You need to focus on your inner world before you focus on the outer world <3

Kata Begovits at Jan 31, 2016

Taking this workshop has been a life changing experience for me. I cannot express in words the value it has brought (worth every penny)! Camellia is a truly gifted and Divinely guided spirit whom I am so grateful I had the opportunity to meet! She is a very good teacher and truly lives from the heart. Although the other students were strangers to me, after the first day, I felt like we are a family and deeply connected. The exercises we did are so crucial in understanding what is within us, they should be taught to every living person on this planet. If you are ready to change your life and open your heart fully not only to others but yourself, this course with Camellia is what you are looking for!

In Love & Light

Kata from Grimsby, ON

Sandra Antidormi at Jan 25, 2016

Thank you so much my dear loving Camellia, for this truly extraordinary experience. Your amazing blend of careful guidance, kind patience, and a very huge heart made me feel safe and loved while making the workshop easy to follow and very enjoyable. You infused nurturing love the entire time and held the loving space that was needed for us. I felt your intuition guiding us through each step of the way so that we would feel the full spectrum of this experience to be able to live through the heart. You also held space for a unified love among all of us. My classmates were AMAZING!!! And I love them all. With LOVE, GRATITUDE & BLESSINGS, Sandra xoxo

Selina Posadas at Dec 09, 2015

This workshop helped to release emotional blockages within me. Without trying, a spontaneous burst of emotion flooded outside of me. It was beautiful -- an experience that was unexpected to me. Every day of the workshop I felt that the awakening process was opening more and more. I started to remember about the Oneness of the world. The knowledge that I received was amazing, because I was connecting the dots and seeing how everything is interconnected -- seeing the deeper meaning of things. I am grateful for meeting Camellia Tatchev. She is warm and welcoming, filled with love and light. Her approach is gentle, yet assertive. This quality of her made me feel safe and comfortable to learn the information that she taught. Overall, I enjoyed the experience, and feel that there is no price that can define the experience, knowledge, wisdom, awakening of consciousness, and healing that is received. This workshop is necessary for everyone. It is well worth it. After the workshop was completed, I remember now to see everyone as Divine Beings of Light and Love. The teachings shifted my reality and my perspective to that of higher consciousness. Thank you!

Kristen Taylor at Nov 26, 2015

I will treasure my experience with Camellia and the others I met during the workshop for the rest of my life. Every word that Camellia spoke came directly from her heart and I could feel so much love just by being in the same room as her. Through this workshop I uncovered some deeper emotional traumas that I was finally able to release, and am still releasing at this time. The connection I had with the others was profound and my love for them will continue to flow from this day forward. Thank you Camellia for everything! All my love, Kristen

Susy Laberge at Nov 22, 2015

Camellia was amazing. Her true heart help me to live the experience at 100%. I highly recommand this wonderful teacher.

Ieva Saladziute at Nov 10, 2015

I will always remember and recommend Drunvalo's ATIH workshop to everyone that are in their journey of awakening. It was the most profound and real experience I've ever had. Camellia Tatchev is definitely the best teacher that I met during many years. She was a perfect guide for healing, life changing experiences. The given opportunity to experience the reality was definitely worth the time, money and much more.. I will be grateful for ever for Drunvalo, Camellia and every beautiful soul I met..!

Karin Hanke at Oct 11, 2015

It was a beautiful experience - Camellia is a wonderful teacher, I love her. I wished the class was one day longer. The meditations were very new to me and I think I still need some help, but I feel good with what I accomplished.

Michele Tamarkin at Oct 03, 2015

Teacher provided a very loving and nurturing atmosphere, which enable me to be vulnerable and open my heart. The intimacy of the home provided for the venue and the small size of the group aided the cohesiveness and connectivity of everyone involved. A truly remarkable and memorable experience.

Deb Villarese at Oct 02, 2015

The intimacy of the group was ideal. I felt loved and welcomed from the moment I walked into the door. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the event truly exceeded my expectations.

Sylvie Charbonneau at Sep 29, 2015

Thank you!

Barry Tan at Sep 20, 2015

Camellia lives and works from the Heart. And this is evident in the workshops that she conducts because she is constantly living and breathing it! She shows you not just through her actions and wisdom but as a living example of how we can apply teachings of the ATIH workshop practically into our everyday lives. My path in Life has never been ever more clearer, and I feel that I'm better equipped to walk this path with truth and conviction in my heart! Thank you Camellia!!! <3 <3 <3

Ayda Alp at Jul 26, 2015

Thank you Camellia for a lovely 4 days. I am very disappointed that it was just 4 days. I felt so much in love and warm that I wish we could stay in that state forever. Lots of love from the bottom, top, sacred, tiny well...whole of my heart!

Dan Sutton at Jul 17, 2015

I realize I rated almost everything at a "10". I honestly feel like this was my calling, the reason I chose this life. I had an unbelievable experience, and to all who are interested, please consider taking this workshop!!

Ahmic Marineau at Jul 14, 2015

This was an amazing experience and it was mostly due to my teacher Camellia. She really lives and speaks from the heart which is perfect for such a workshop. She made the experience so powerful and amazing. She was able to explain and demonstrate everything with ease and she answered all our questions. I feel so blessed to have had her as my ATIH teacher and I would recommend her to everyone wanting to attend a ATIH Workshop.

The experience was awesome and life changing.

Thank you so much Camellia :)

Namaste <3

Tish Wittman at Jul 14, 2015

This was an amazing seminar/workshop. I have enjoyed my 4 days immensely. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! :)

Our wonderful teacher is an aspiring illustrator with a big heart and she always aimed at answering all questions and giving as much information as was possible.

I look forward to doing more workshops with Camellia Tatchev.

Monica Methe at Jun 22, 2015

Camellia was a wonderful teacher! She was really like an angel guiding us through the steps of accessing our sacred and tiny spaces of the heart. She really does live what she teaches.

The workshop taught me really well to be connected with my heart, which is an amazing feeling. I highly recommend attending the ATIH workshop with Camellia.

Violet Patout at Apr 16, 2015

i had a great experience, good time, and feel fulfilled. what more could a person ask for. love to all of you.

mark Barclay at Mar 26, 2015

The workshop truly is life changing, Camellia gently opens your heart and returns you to love in meaningful ways. With ATIH exercises the "fog" is lifted and a remembrance of who you really are sets in very quickly. I felt immediately connected to the group in the workshop and it felt as though we came together by the law of attraction. While making everlasting friendships with the emerging souls like yourself, your Light is being massaged and encouraged by Camellia and Drunvalo's sacred teachings. After completing the 4 day course I have the necessary tools and preparation to live a fully awakened life as I have been shown how to live fully from the heart. Camellia is wholeness and love personified. Thank you for your Service beautiful Camellia, I look so forward to a journey together that keeps on giving and nurturing the world around us.

Thank you so much. All my Love and Light,

Kelly Barclay

Alexandria Harding - Costa at Mar 26, 2015

It was overall a life changing experience. Although I had already learned a lot of the information online or in the books , nothing compares to being there with such an inspirational teacher feeling the energy of her, and the energy of the group. So much love. THANK YOU!

Lisseth Mendoza at Mar 22, 2015

This was such a beautiful experience, it makes you truly conect with your higher self, and makes you open your heart to all the love that exists. Can't really put into words how significant and beautiful it was for me. I just have words of gratitude and Love For Camellia who is such a wonderful person and who truly shows you how powerful Love is.

Tara Rosier-Gonyea at Mar 01, 2015

Camellia Tatchev is an extremely gifted and loving teacher. Her explanations of each step and each tool was excellent and I felt she answered all of my questions with a great deal of patience and kindness. Her guided meditations were fantastic and the pace of the 4 day class she kept well regulated. I do feel as if this was a life changing event for me and I feel like I have been plugged into an electric socket of new energy and that my heart and mind have expanded immensely. This is such important information and so needed now on this planet. Many Thanks to my angels for guiding me to this class and Drunvalo's teachings. I will forever be grateful! Tara

Sonya Gerdzhev at Feb 24, 2015

Attending Awakening the illuminated heart workshop has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. After a 4-day immersion in the teachings of Drunvalo, presented by our loving teacher Camellia, my life, heart and soul feel transformed and truly illuminated. I feel more compassion, love and understanding toward myself and others. I now have a better understanding of meditation and sacred geometry and I am beyond inspired to dive deeper into the sacred space of my heart. Thank you, Camellia, for being such a bright luminous light and igniting our hearts with yours.

Peter Bulliard at Feb 24, 2015

Camillia is an EXCELLENT instructor!! Words fall short. She was born to do this work! Passion, professional, and caring for all in her trainings...she makes sure that her students have a full understanding of Drunvalo's material. She is detailed oriented and transmits details to her students. She teaches directly from Drunvalo's agenda and delineates her experience from Drunvalo's. I would highly recommend taking a training with Camillia. This is the second training that I take as I will become an ATIH trainer myself so my focus was keen, to say the least, during the training! As I stated prior; Passion, Professionalism, Gentleness, Animated, and Caring are simply a few characteristics that Camillia exudes!!

Gek Ling Lim at Feb 24, 2015

Awesome teacher! <3

Damien Barrineau at Feb 23, 2015

The course teachings covered Drunvalo's work and the visualizations with a step by step approach were perfect for me. Finding the sacred space, the tiny space, activating the light beams, 3rd eye and the Merkabah all in a short 4 day course was well worth the money and time. I could not imagine how long it would take to figure this out on my own. I greatly appreciate this venue. I now know how to meditate, I can talk to my higher self and am becoming more sensitive each day. Thank you everyone in this world and others that made this happen! Camellia Tatchev is a gift and truly loves this work, she kept the mood elevated and in love the entire time.

Nancy Stewart at Feb 22, 2015

This was a profound experience. Thank you for this opportunity!

Beng Nah Myers at Feb 20, 2015

My only reservation was I did fall asleep during the meditations. So I am rather confused if the sacred space of my heart, tiny space of my heart and light beams were fully activated. I had the usual high a week after the class but I can't feel much days after that, even though I was still actively activating the light beams two weeks after the class.

Added to that, I had problem signing in to my account. Now I am going to sign up for the tutorials and observe if my senses are heightened after this. I really am not sure what to expect.

Natalie Kolev at Feb 18, 2015

I am so grateful for Camellia! She is a great teacher! For 4 days she was gently and lovingly healing, protecting, and guiding our group to reach our highest potential!

She presented the information very clearly, and easy to understand. Lots of personal examples, and stories, made it interesting and the time went very fast.

Camellia not only understands deeply the material, but is a great example of someone living in the heart all the time!

Thank you so very much, my dear Camellia, for all that you do!

Many thanks to Drunvalo, for making this precious information accessible for us!

Sacra Nicholas at Feb 18, 2015

Camellia is an amazing teacher. She uses her previous teaching experiences and the rich material of ATIH to encourage, clarify, support and inspire each participant to achieve the highest levels taught in this workshop. Wish everyone had the opportunity to work with her.

Christina Ralston at Feb 17, 2015

I was amazed at how much good this workshop did for me. I came to the shop not really understanding much of the material, but our teacher, Camellia Tatchev, did an amazing job of laying things out clearly. She has a real gift for teaching, and her ability to draw you into the meditation techniques was wonderful. I offer my highest ratings to this teacher, and to the things she teaches.

Jimmie Read at Feb 15, 2015

Wow! When they say practice makes you better, that is exactly what I need to continue doing. This was an amazing experience and helped to create a wanted shift.

Camellia is a beautiful teacher full of light that can be seen from a distance and love that is unwavering. I am forever grateful for her commitment to her work. Namaste

Khishigt Luvsandamba at Feb 03, 2015

All I want to say to Camellia is thank you thank you. The workshop has literally opened my heart. This is only second day after the workshop and i am already seeing the change/shift in me seeing the world and life differently. Unconditional love that was emanating from my teacher and other fellow students had tremendous influence to my spiritual growth.

JOHN GOMEZ at Dec 04, 2014

The workshop was very enjoyable , i will recommend this workshop to my friends

Allan Leeder at Nov 20, 2014

Camellia is warm, compassionate and a dedicated teacher.

Shelley Watt at Nov 18, 2014

This course is truly profound and life-changing!

Gayle Sorg at Oct 29, 2014

I would have liked handouts to help me remember. Camellia is a great instructor. She is probably the most loving person I have ever encountered. She knows her material, explains it well and is very positive. She is lovely and I enjoyed getting to know her.

Nichelle Coleman-Laster at Oct 20, 2014

Camellia is a beautiful, kind spirit who provided an emotionally safe environment in which healing occurred. As an instructor of Drunvalo's work, she is a personification of love and living in the sacred heart. I will never forget my experience, and I feel truly blessed and changed forever.

ken baker at Oct 16, 2014

This was truly a life changing four days! The unconditional love we all received from Camellia has fully opened my heart. I can now honestly see each person as one divine spirit Thank you for your love.

Stephen Pace at Sep 15, 2014

This was the second time I attended a workshop put on by Camellia. The setting for this workshop was wonderful. Camellia did a beautiful job in bring our group together and creating an atmosphere of love and caring. I have never know a more loving spirit then Camellia; I would highly recommend Camellia to anyone wishing to take part in a ATIH workshop.

Tatiana Karatcheva at Sep 10, 2014

I am very glad that I was guided to this workshop and the retreat, it was conducted at. I did have a profound experience. I hope it will help me to make positive changes in my life...

Love and Namaste,


Cam Johnston at Sep 01, 2014

A wonderful teacher. Truly practicing what she is teaching and teaching from the heart.

Kaz Malone at Sep 01, 2014

Camellia is a Very Warm, Compassionate,

Woman, Clearly Living from The Heart Space.

As a Teacher, Camellia is The Best I have encountered.

An Amazing Experience, which will always remain in my Heart.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.


Irena Lukac-Ostojic at Aug 03, 2014

I'm grateful beyond imaginable to my teacher and Drunvalo's teachings. I anyways new and believed but now I'm experiencing every day. My life became Magic after Camelia's magic touch. Her gift is connection to students and easy way of transferring knowledge.

Love Light Peace

Janice Lee at Aug 03, 2014

this was my second time taking it. I feel so amazing after taking it. Things were a little more clearer this time around than the first. Love the course. Camillia is such a beautiful teacher and person. I am so grateful.

Jessica Somers at Jul 29, 2014

Camellia was so welcoming and loving in all of her teaching and hosting the workshop throughout the entire four days. Her caring guidance really enabled all of us to come together and feel as if we were a family in such a short amount of time. The teachings and meditations were presented in such great ways, and being in a venue so connected and immersed in nature made the experience completely come alive! I am so grateful and humbled to have had this experience with Camellia and the group of people I was there with. I would highly recommend it to others and feel my life will definitely be changed by the experience, and perhaps already has been. Thank you for choosing to host this in the area you did! For those living outside the city of Toronto, we often find ourselves having to travel there constantly to have access to these kinds of workshops and activities, so it was nice to have one close to the more rural area I'm from, with the added benefit of being so much more connected to nature. Again, Thank You for the experience! I will definitely be wanting to partake in more School of Remembering workshops in the future!

Savitri Seegobin at Jul 29, 2014

This workshop is a must for all who are called to be in the Heart.

There is nothing left but to BE...............

Much Love and Respect for the Teacher............

Thank you

Ryerson Cretzman at May 25, 2014

I've done other energy work but I find this experience to be most illuminating and am still feeling the process of expansion working within and without me! Can't say enough about Camellia and the loving caring and supportive bubble she created for us and the competent professionalism of her teaching!

Ronald Schlegel at May 21, 2014

Camellia is a wonderful teacher. She made this a magical experience. Her energy and enthusiasm is infectious. I wish for the whole world to have this experience and to begin living from the heart.

Caitlin li at May 20, 2014

My whole being feels lighter, I just feel the joy and energy coming out of my chest for no logical reason. I feel abundant and content, this is definitely what my spirit was calling for. attending the workshop is a turning point in my life, i don't think i will waste any more time 'fixing' myself, but just accept the way i am and be on the journey of creation. Camellia is an amazing teacher, very intuitive,supportive and loving, taking the workshop led by her has made my own transition into the meditations and workshop very easy.

Eleanor Cook at May 20, 2014

Camellia was incredibly thorough for the entire presentation. Her enthusiasm was infectious. I believe I can comfortably view my reality with a different light. I am certain that with this practice, I can begin to "teach instead of preach".

Anastasiya Cheryomina at Mar 21, 2014

Camellia guides into meditations in a way, that helps to relax deeply, to connect with subconscious mind and Soul. She points the most important information in a very clear way and gives attention to each student. Camellia's bright warm energy inspires strong heart connection between members of a group. 4 days of the workshop were an amazing journey for me!

Stephen Pace at Mar 20, 2014

Sincerity and caring from Camellia is incredibly real. Her patience and love for our group was always present. Nothing about her presentation of this amazing workshop was forced. She is truly a beautiful soul.

I came to this workshop with only ever try to meditate twice before. My experiences were almost nothing compared to what others in my group were describing. The healing I experienced inside, in my heart, was profound to say the least. By the forth day my experiences were very real to me. I arrived at this workshop already with the understanding that our paths are chosen for us. Everything about my experience reinforced this incredibly, in ways i can't even begin to explain. Everything is in divine order!

Jemimah St. Hilaire at Mar 18, 2014

Camillia gave so much of her heart and her inner knowledge. I could feel her love and compassion from the first time we spoke on the phone and I felt very "safe" in proceeding with this new experience in my life. Soon as I walked into the room at the Yoga Centre, I could feel the energy of the Mer ka ba and right away, this brought up very raw emotions. However, this shifted to calm and protection within the first day. The exercises were clear and powerful. Speaking for myself, I was able to go deeply and sense Mother earth and Father sky. There were some blocks within myself, and I still worked through them with my intent. By the time we did the Beams of Light, something opened that evening and I felt the presence of light beings enter my body whereby I entered a multidimensional space in time. Wow! OMG! Wow! My heart is now open and I see and feel life much differently and more deeply. Thank you for my new dear friends as I felt each person's soul sharing in this really big universal sandbox! Thank you Camillia for your love, your soul and your heart which I felt through the whole 4 days. Light, Love and Virtual hugs to YOU!

Ed Stedman at Feb 25, 2014

This course certainly exceeded my expectations and has had a profound effect on me. Camellia is a great teacher

Daniela Costache at Feb 05, 2014

Many thanks from my heart to Camelia, and to Drunvallo for wonderful teachings.

Camelia is a miraculous teacher and healer! We are prepared together to follow our hearts in the journey to next dimension!

Cindy Roberts at Feb 04, 2014

I highly recommend this workshop to anyone looking for a greater understanding, to educate and enhance themselves with Drunvalo's teachings and all that encompasses. It has made a profound effect on my life. Thanks you Drunvalo. From my heart to yours.

e andonova at Jan 31, 2014

Great experience! Highly recommend Camellia! Her profound knowledge of the material was delivered with an ease and was a real blessing to have an opportunity to be part of her workshop!

jean-louis brusset at Jan 30, 2014

I was used to create from the brain, but now thanks to these beautiful teachings, I

am discovering how to create from the heart. My inner vision has also greatly expanded. Camellia Tatchev was very helpful in presenting the contents of the course as well as providing individual assistance when needed. Thank you so much!

Crina Cretu at Dec 21, 2013

Attending this workshop opened a door for me into a space I didn't know existed and I am now better equipped to understand, practice and share the benefits of the teachings. My experiences during this workshop were intense and unique, and I came out of it a changed person. Many changes happened in my life upon completion of the workshop. I highly recommend this workshop!!