Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Karuna Chapman

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Karuna Chapman



www.karunasheart.com www.karunasheart.com

41 ratings:

I was born and raised in Vancouver Canada. After a year at U.B.C, I became a Medical Laboratory Technologist, married and had two children. When that marriage ended, my kids and I settled in a small town in the Kootenay Mountains of B.C. I had a spontaneous experience of kundalini rising and fell in love with a tiny cactus without understanding why. My spiritual training started when I met a yoga master at a retreat and started to practice the discipline. I met my second husband and we moved to Santa Cruz California to continues our study in an established community here. Years later I studied sufism with an unknown but effective teacher, and then settled into a practice of Zen Bhuddism. In 2011 I saw a picture of the Flower of Life and realized it was that pattern I had recognized in the tiny cactus so many years before. I bought Drunvalo's Flower of Life Books and devoured them with great excitement. When I finished reading "Living in the Heart" I attended my first workshop with Drunvalo in Sedona Arizona. My life changed forever. I quickly took a second workshop followed by the Teacher Training Course in Chapala Mexico in April 2013. I am honored to have been accepted as a teacher of this heart opening work, and so grateful for all Drunvalo has brought to us.


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Wanda Palinkas at Jun 20, 2021

Karuna led a fabulous workshop. We were all so charged with wonderful energy. I could do it again and again and again and ...... :)

Frank Palinkas at Jun 20, 2021

Karuna transcends the goals of enlightened teaching. She is a virtual wonder to us all, and taught us in the most friendly, learned, and professional way possible. Thank you so much my lady!

Amy Mckenzie at Oct 02, 2019

Wonderful! Life changing!

Tim Wise at Nov 15, 2018

I would highly recommend this workshop by Karuna for those interested in remembering and awakening.

Hilda Franco at Oct 23, 2018

It was one of the most In enlightening classes I have completed. I feel complete.

Ms.Karuna Chapman is an Earth Angel. She is inspiring and her teachings are one with the Great Spirit. Forever grateful.

Eunice Lam at Jul 31, 2018

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Karuna! You are amazing, you are an angel <3 This workshop has changed my life <3 to feel the world through my heart, so much love, thank you!

Elaine Lam at Jul 30, 2018

It was such a beautiful and amazing experience. So beautiful that I cannot put into words. Thank you all.

Karuna is a great teacher, she is amazing.

Janet Ozasa at Jul 30, 2018

Amazing experience and learning.

Gabriela Meneghetti at Apr 30, 2018

What a wonderful time and learning I got. This is truly a blessing to be able to spend couple of days with incredible open hearted human beings. I felt loved, connected and peaceful like never before. I wish there was an easier way to stay connected with all the illuminated hearts across the planet, like a living global map that shows each awakened heart, so we can connect with them as we travel around Earth : )

Darren Starwynn at Feb 26, 2018

I loved that workshop and was grateful to Karuna for guiding us so compassionately and clearly. I received more than I expected and found it literally life-changing. Thank you to Drunvalo for creating and releasing this workshop.