Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Monica Ljungberg-Öhrn

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Monica Ljungberg-Öhrn


+46 708434606

www.ateljelovas.se www.ateljelovas.se

340 ratings:

Jag håller kurser på svenska och engelska i Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland. Kontakta mig för mer info.

Biografi på svenska. Se hemsida www.ateljelovas.se

Biography: Monica

I was six years old and just about to fall asleep one evening, when the room became brighter and the colors more vivid. Two glorious angels descended to stand on either side of my bed. They wanted me to come and assist them. I was taken to an area where there had just been an earthquake. There were children there who did not realize that they were dead. They could not see or feel the angels who were there to help them because they were completely focused on their bodies. Some tried to shake the arm of their old bodies and some even tried to squeeze back into them. Since I was still connected to my body, I had a lower frequency than the angels, and the children could feel me when I touched them. My task was thus to take them by the hand and turn their focus away from their bodies. Only then could they see the angels and the light. This occurred for many years. It was draining and I was exhausted when I woke up. At the same time though, it was a privilege and an important lesson to learn that we are here to help each other. We are here to learn and to service all of creation. I realized that I am a part of the whole, as the whole is a part of me.

In 1995, Ilizabeth Fortune was hosting a MerKaBa workshop in Sweden and I simply had to be there. The MerKaBa turned out to be a gateway into deeper levels in my heart. I have been following Drunvalos work since then and the MerKaBa has been a part of me.

I was living my dream as an artist in 2009, creating glass art, art-work in ceramic and paintings, all inspired by angels and masters. I had workshops called ‘Find Your Own Path’, guided by angels and sometimes ascended masters. In addition to this, my higher self wanted me to go even deeper. In a vision of my home, I saw a newly built art studio and myself as a teacher in some kind of MerKaBa teaching. This vision seemed impossible because I live on a tiny island in a Marine National Park, and receiving a building permission is very difficult. Also, as an artist, I am an undesirable candidate for a loan as my income is sporadic and unreliable. The vision became even more unlikely when I found out there had been no MerKaBa teacher training for years.

Today, my improbable vision has come true, including the studio. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to be accepted by Drunvalo and the Council. To be allowed to be a part of and to mediate the marvelous ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart in the School of Remembering’ teaching is my life’s greatest honor.

When we truly know ourselves,

we see that all is connected and

all is One.

Together we are making our dreams come true.

Together we are creating a new world.

Personal Website

Professional Website

Awakening The Illuminated Heart, ATIH

2024-09-26 / Helande form, Västergatan 5, 33232 Gislaved

Kursen hålls på svenska i Gislaved. Kontaktperson för all praktisk info: Ingela Robertsson 070-544 85 67 ingela.robertsson@telia.com
Kontaktperson för allt rörande själva kursen: Monica Ljungberg Öhrn, se www.ateljélovas.se/kurser

Från mitt hjärta önskar jag dig Välkommen till den...


Awakening The Illuminated Heart, ATIH

2025-01-16 / Oasen, Gärdet, Stockholm

Kursen hålls på svenska i Stockolm. Kontaktperson för all praktisk info: Vera Näsström vera@nasstrom.com,
Kontaktperson för allt rörande själva kursen: Monica Ljungberg Öhrn, se www.ateljélovas.se/kurser

Från mitt hjärta önskar jag dig Välkommen till denna fantastiska kurs.


Awakening The Illuminated Heart, ATIH

2025-04-24 / Ronneby

MERKABA AKTIVERING! Kursen hålls på svenska i Ronneby.
Praktisk info på www.ateljelovas.se
Från mitt hjärta önskar jag dig Välkommen till denna fantastiska kurs.
Kursen sammanfattar Drunvalo Melchizedek´s samlade kunskap. Den innehåller uråldrig helig visdom från mysterieskolor och f...


Bjorn Ahlberg at Feb 03, 2024

I was a little familiar of what the MerKaBa was and looked like, but it not close of understanding what it is really is. Of course, I still don’t comprehend the full capacity and will need a lot more knowledge and practice. The host made the whole event joyful and surprising with the information showed and the exercises we did. Overall, the event extended my expectations by far and got me into a new path to explore in my life and is most thankful to the host who made it happened. Thank you!

Jacob Holst Lid at Sep 07, 2023

This was a highly energetic training..

Kristina Strombeck at Jan 22, 2021

This was a life changing workshop for me. It did take time for me to digest, and actually start going into the heart to heal things. I havn t used it to the fullest yet, but what I do use is still so precious. Monica is such a present, heartfelt and skillful teacher. She really reflects what the course is about!

Very grateful for being part of this mystery school.

With love


Pia Bierich Lfstedt at Nov 01, 2020

I have attended many different courses but Monica is the most proffessional of them all. Very pedagogic and clear in her teaching. I did lack handouts though, that is NOT Monicas fault, she is not allowed to because of the Copyright. That is the only negative about the course. It would have been nice to have a compendium to go back to with important text and pictures. It is an intensive course and it is hard to focus and write at the same time. It is also easy to get things wrong and even having problems to decode your own notes when you get home. Monica is always there for us so we can contact her but the burden would be easier on her if we had it right from the beginning ;).

This was a wonderful course! Thank you Monica!

Kjersti Hjertaas at Nov 01, 2019

This course far exceeded my expactations. Monica is a very knowledgable teacher and carry with her much wisdom. She facilitates this class perfectly, and the inner knowledge gained or recolloected for each of us was unsurpassed. Through her guidence you are able to acces the sacred spaces in your heart , and can feel and move the energy connected with it at will, among other things. I also successfully manage to activate my merkaba, which has been a lifealtering experiance for me. I could not recommend this teacher higher, and will precede to take further classes with her.

Trude Dybendahl at Oct 06, 2019

I huge thanks to Monika for her splendid teaching, guiding and facilitation of these four days. They were fare beyond my expectation -thanks to both the content and Monika´s way of leading this course. Forever thankful - and warmly recommended!

Lena Roskvist at May 05, 2019

I Will only say thank you from the bottom of my heart

With love, Lena

Maria Hellquist at May 01, 2019

I would like to express my gratitude a million times to the School of Remembering,

Flower of Life course with Monica Ljungberg-Öhrn as my teacher.

I attended the 4 Day Spiritual Workshop in

April 2019 at Spiragården, Undersaeker in Sweden.

Thank you, Monica for bringing out the good qualities in me and to remind me of all of me.

Monica is very, helpful, kind, loving and extremely generous in sharing her spiritual knowledge.

Love Maria

Camille Maria Bonfils at Mar 22, 2019

I can highly recommend Monica's "Awakening The Illuminated Heart" Workshop - it was done in a loving and caring way and I felt in safe hands through out the workshop.

Kim Achen at Feb 15, 2019

Monica is a great teacher there have an fine tuned intuition when she guide us through the different exercises. She have an awareness on what she is doing and greate a fine space with trust. I can really recommend her