Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Evelyn Viviana Guerra

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Evelyn Viviana Guerra



49 ratings:

Evelyn is one of approximately 300 worldwide certified teachers of the School of Remembering® that has been entrusted to teach the 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart'® workshop. She was selected and trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering® Council.

Born in Peru, Evelyn moved to the United States at the young age of 9. Since very young she knew that life was more than what appears on the surface. She fell in love with music, dancing, writing poetry, and acting. The creative arts propelled her and guided her to higher levels of consciousness. Being able to tune in to these higher realms of creativity showered her with love, bliss, and happiness - a direct connection with Great Spirit.

Since becoming a certified Awakening the Illuminated Heart teacher several years ago, she has been holding powerful workshops all over the world to bring forth a deeper wisdom of the teachings that can be found in Drunvalo's work, to people from a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, and cultures. One thing is for sure, she has a dedicated love for these powerful workshops which she will hold space for any amount of people at any one time. From the experienced to people newly seeking, she is able to have a powerful effect on everyone who attends. Most students end up getting involved in future workshops and also become like family, as well as they have all expressed a deep gratitude for her services, time, energy, and wisdom in a way that is truly beautiful to witness. Based in New York, she offers workshops not only in her home state but also in places such as Florida, California, Arizona, Hawaii, Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and anywhere she feels needed by potential students!

As well as her Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops, Evelyn is the founder of In One Heart and www.inoneheart.com, where she offers her experience as a certified Level I and II Reiki practitioner, woman empowerment workshops, bi-annual retreats to the jungles of Peru to explore plant medicines, the sacred sites of the Incas, and the traditions of the shamans, as well as she does sound healing and a very powerful meditation called 'Shamanic Breathwork' in which participants come to learn the powerful effects of breath on meditation often triggering massive healing and enlightening visions.

She is a firm believer that learning is a never ending adventure, an eternal process. She always expresses gratitude for the masters and sages that have walked the path, leaving infinite wisdom in their scriptures, teachings, and guidance for all of us to continue our spiritual journey. Words fail to convey the love, devotion, and passion she embodies to assist our brothers and sisters in the human family to connect once again to our divine selves, our I AM presence, and help to understand the connection and oneness of all.

"I leave you with this beautiful poem, which is one of my favorites from the great mystic Rumi. With love, light, laughter, and sovereignty from my heart to yours." -Evelyn

“You have no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You..
Nothing seemed right.
What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean.
Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient.
It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.
So I've brought you a mirror.
Look at yourself and remember me.” – Rumi


Evelyn es una de las 300 maestras certificadas en todo el mundo de La Escuela de Remembrancia® que se ha encomendado para enseñar el taller, 'Despertando El Corazon Illuminado'. Ella fue seleccionada y entrenada por Drunvalo Melchizedek y el Consejo de la Escuela de Remembrancia®.

Nacida en Perú, Evelyn se mudó a los Estados Unidos a la temprana edad de 9 años. Desde muy joven, ella sabía que la vida era más de lo que aparecía en la superficie. Se enamoró de la música, el baile, la poesía y la actuación. Las artes creativas la impulsaron y la guiaron a niveles más altos de conciencia. El hecho de poder sintonizar con estos mundos superiores de creatividad la llenó de amor, paz y felicidad, una conexión directa con el Gran Espíritu.

Desde que se convirtió en una maestra certificada de Despertando el Corazon Illuminado muchos años atras, ha organizado talleres en todo el mundo para brindar una sabiduría profunda de las enseñanzas que se encuentran en las ensenanzas de Drunvalo, a personas de distintas edades y culturas. Una cosa es segura, ella tiene un amor dedicado a estos talleres poderosos donde ella podra guardar espacio sagrado para cualquier cantidad de personas. Desde las personas con experencia o las personas que recién buscan el camino espiritual, ella tiene un efecto poderoso en todos los que asisten. La mayoría de los estudiantes terminan involucrándose en sus futuros talleres y también se convierten en familia, y todos han expresado una profunda gratitud por su servicios, tiempo, energía y sabiduría de una manera que es verdaderamente hermosa presenciar. Se basa en Nueva York, tambien ofrece talleres en otros lugares como Florida, California, Arizona, Hawaii, Virginia, Massachusetts, Nueva Jersey, y en cualquier lugar que se sienta necesitada por seres en busquedad!

Al igual que sus talleres de Despertando El Corazon Illuminado, Evelyn es la fundadora de In One Heart y www.inoneheart.com, donde ofrece su experiencia como practicante certificada de Reiki Nivel I y II, talleres de empoderamiento de mujeres, retiros bianuales a las selvas del Perú para explorar las plantas medicinales, los sitios sagrados de los Incas y las tradiciones de los chamanes, al igual ella realiza talleres terapeuticos con sonidos y una meditación muy poderosa llamada "Respiración Chamánica" en el cual los participantes descubren los poderosos efectos de la respiración con la meditación a menudo desencadenando curaciones masivas y visiones iluminadoras.

Ella es una firme creyente de que el aprendizaje es una aventura infinita, un proceso eterno. Ella siempre expresa gratitud por los maestros sabios que han recorrido el camino, dejando una sabiduría en sus escrituras, enseñanzas y orientación para que todos continuemos nuestro viaje espiritual. Las palabras no transmiten el amor, la devoción y la pasión que ella encarna para ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la familia humana y a reconectarse con nuestro ser divino, nuestra presencia de "YO SOY", y ayudar a comprender la conexión y la unidad de todos.

"Te dejo con este hermoso poema, que es uno de mis favoritos del gran místico Rumi. Con amor, luz, risa y soberanía de mi corazón al tuyo". -Evelyn

“No tienes idea lo dificil que ha sido buscar un regalo para traerte. Nada me parece correcto.
Cual es el punto en traer oro a una mina de oro, O’ agua al oceano. Todo lo que se me occurria era como llevar especies al Oriente. No vale darte mi Corazon ni mi Alma porque tu ya tienes estos..
Asi que, te traje un espejo… MIRATE y acuerdate de mi.” – Rumi

Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop

2024-08-15 / Mt. Shasta, CA

Join me in Person where we will share and undergo this beautiful and profound teachings of our beloved Drunvalo. Please note, the workshop will be held in a Retreat like setting in a beautiful home where you will be able to connect with nature and dive deeper into the studies of Drunvalo's work an...


Anibal Marquina at Mar 17, 2024

Assisting to Evelyn’s ATIH workshop was a life changing experience and a dream come true. The experience overall was beyond all my expectations.

John Guadalupe at Jan 02, 2021

I walked in absolutely feeling a tremendous buzz of energy, I felt as if all present were high energy beings and I verbally stated as much. It was more like a coming home. I could not have had a more perfect instructor with Evelyn Vivianna-Guerra. I am forever thankful and grateful for this workshop. Sincerely, Chief.

Luz Adriana Baron at Jun 08, 2020

It was wonderful. The speaker is very knowledgeable of the workshop topics and beyond. I was amazed and grateful about all what I learned.

Sean Hallahan at Apr 08, 2017

Thank you, thank you, thank you, most dear and blessed Evelyn. I am so blessed to have you as my teacher. Many many many thanks.

Love, Light and Sovereignty,



Evelyn is great! she is very sweet, knowledgeable and an understanding speaker.

I felt very comfortable in receiving the amazing AITH workshop informations with her.

It is something to read and watch the videos but to experience it was beyond my expectations, it has changed my reality and I am very grateful for that. Thank you Evelyn, Drunvalo and the School of Remembering. A.NG.

Nader Afshar at Oct 26, 2016

Such an amazing experience! Very Talented teacher, Lovely people and space!

stephen phillips at Oct 26, 2016

overall I had an absolutely amazing experience. Evelyn Guerra was an absolutely wonderful teacher. I feel that my life is forever transformed. i feel so blessed and I love you all.

istvan szentmiklosi at May 27, 2016

Thank You Drunvalo!

Thank You Eve!

Thank You Guys!

Love Steve

Tadasu Hayashi at May 24, 2016

Evelyn did a great job in teaching us and guiding us all through the ATIH material;

it had a wonderful and profound impact on my life.

Plinio A. Iglesias at May 05, 2016

The experience of connecting the Higher Self with the daily Me for 4 days was really a wonderful present for my BEING.not always available.

I am looking forward to clarify points about the 90 degrees 3rd Eye issue and the

activation of the Mer-Ka-Ba in the near future.

My love to all participants for their integrity and commitment in a total unfamiliar world sometimes called paradigma.