Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Adriana Garavito

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Adriana Garavito



62 ratings:

Hello , this is just a little info about me
l was born in mexico city , my home town , l love my country and my roots , but also l love to travel , and visit new places and meet new people.
Love has been my ultimate source in life, since many years ago, when l discovered that love is all that is around us, and if we really know this,our life changes forever!, we become happy beings sharing this love to the world! and that becomes our only purpose in life to be shining love to others around us , this becomes our life!!!
We feel the unity in all, and this is what the new merkaba is all about, love and oneness!!
l am also a meditation teacher and a healer, l have been teaching the living in the heart meditation for more than 7 years, and it has given me so much joy,l would love to share with you and your loved ones this world of love and harmony.

Hola, este es solo un poco de información acerca de mi persona.
Yo nací en la Ciudad de México, mi ciudad natal que amo, amo a mi país y mis raíces, pero también amo viajar y conocer lugares y países nuevos y conocer a personas nuevas.
El amor ha sido mi recurso principal de vida, desde hace muchos años, cuando descubrí que el amor es todo lo que nos rodea, y si verdaderamente sabemos esto como real, nuestra vida cambia para siempre!!! nos volvemos seres felices al compartir este amor al mundo a nuestro alrededor!!! y eso se vuelve el propósito de nuestras vidas, irradiar este amor hacia otros alrededor nuestro, y esto se vuelve nuesrtra vida!!! y sentimos la unidad de todo en nuestro corazón.

Sentimos la unidad en todo, y esto es de lo que se trata el nuevo merkaba, amor y unidad!!!
También soy maestra de meditación y sanadora, he estado enseñando la meditación de viviendo en el corazón por siete años y me ha dado mucha felicidad, me encantaría compartir esto contigo y con tus seres amados, este mundo de amor y armonía.

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Lucia Martinez at Aug 25, 2020

Me encanto el curso! Muchas gracias!

tannia vazquez at Jul 20, 2018

Since day one my heart felt joy, bliss, happiness, as if my search was finally over. Adriana is such a loving soul, has an intense healing energy... all you can feel around her is pure love. Thank you Adriana

Santiago Pardo Leonel de Cervantes at Jul 10, 2018

Adriana, i have no words that can express my gratitude and admiration to you, thank you! I love you !

Magaly Padilla Ballesteros at Aug 08, 2017

Muy bella experiencia, con una grande y bella maestra del recordar y un grupo hermoso de seres abiertos para despertar, siento que he vuelto a casa, gracias por compartir el invaluable conocimiento de la vida <3

Emilio Gonzalez at Aug 07, 2017

Adriana was an awesome teacher, the hole event was beautiful and the information given is amazing.

Maricela Sanchez at Jul 26, 2017

My recognition to that beautiful soul who was my teacher; Adriana Garavito for his great love and all the wisdom transmitted to us, as well as to his assistant Adrian.

I took the awakening illuminated heart course and I am just fascinated and connected fully to God and his light and divine love. Please tell Drunvalo that I really thank him for all he has done to make this possible for many people. God bless him. My heart is really free of resentments. I received many answers,

I knew why my mother had been so difficult to get along with my mom and received the answer that my father is not longer in this dimension (he disappeard many years ago) but I saw him in my heart. He was so happy and say bye. I met my Higher Self and many, many things like discovering that some of my mates in the course were old and loved human beings in former existences.

Bernardo Robaina Romahn at Oct 13, 2015

En esta ocasion , quise vivir la experiencia de entrar a mi corazon por segunda vez , y descubri que soy capaz de abrir mucho mas mi sentir y ampliar mi experiencia desde mi corazon , es poderoso revisar el conocimiento y descubrir que puedes ir mas profundo en tu ser !! , gracias a mi maestra adriana por tanto amor y ayudarme a recordar

Bernardo Robaina Romahn at Oct 13, 2015

Estoy muy agradecido a Drunvalo y especialmente a mi maestra Adriana , quien cuya sensibilidad me transmitio sensaciones , sentimientos y conocimientos que no imagine estuvieran en mi , muchas gracias ! los cuales hicieron un gran cambio positivo en mi vida . gracias !

Rafael Kasillas at Feb 16, 2015

She is so good!!!!


This course has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life, I thank my brother Alejandro for having shared this great blessing. This is definitely remember what we are in essence, LOVE, just love. I was able to meet again with my higher self and feel especially blessed and loved by the universal energy that is GOD.

Still happening in my life changes, I hope the best for my future, not only in this life or in the earth, forever.

My love and appreciation for all loa always we share this great experience on the course. Adriana, Robert and Mitch: my love, respect and admiration for you. Thanks for everything.

Drunvalo Thanks for existing.