Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Awakening The Illuminated Heart

4 Day Workshop with Jason Hunt

Jason Hunt


(828) 575-3003


87 ratings:

This workshop comes to us as the result of Drunvalo Melchizedek and his willingness to share with us his life's accumulation of more than 40 years of knowledge and experience. With love for Humanity and All Life, Drunvalo brings us his desire for us to begin our own ascension process.

In this workshop we learn : the Heart and Brain connection, the Sacred Space of the Heart and the Tiny Space of the Heart, fully opening the third eye, Creating from the Tiny Space of the Heart, and more. The opening of our MerKaBa light body happens effortlessly and easily.

The MerKaBa activates naturally and is automatically permanent upon its activation. For those who have an activated MerKaBa, Awakening the Illuminated Heart® activation of the MerKaBa field is like an upgrade, or refinement. All programming held in the old MerKaBa can be transferred to the new one.

By participating in this workshop our very connection to all life will begin to unfold in ways we may have only dreamed of, or never even known. Our perception and understanding of the world around us becomes noticeably different. My life has become so much easier and simpler since.

From within our Heart we move from duality into unity. Creation, Communicating, and Living from the Heart is known throughout our indigenous populations, from the ancient cultures all around the globe, and is now being remembered in modern times.

It is gently suggested to read the first three of Drunvalo’s books: “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”, Volume I and II, and “Living in the Heart” as they give us a foundation of knowledge that will helps us excel in the workshop.

While some of the elements of this workshop may be familiar to some, there is new knowledge being shared in this workshop that is essential for our MerKaBas to activate naturally and permanently as a result of this new knowledge. A permanent MerKaBa is essential for our ascension process, and a blessing to ourselves, those around us, and Mother Earth herself.

To apply for this workshop, first register with the School Of Remembering. Next register for the workshop you choose, the dates that are good for you. And finally, send me your deposit ($111) to hold your place, or full payment ($555), before registration closes. WE MUST RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE WORKSHOP. You can bring the remainder the first day of class, or pay in full online before our class begins.

If you feel called to this life changing work, I am happy to be of service to you in this way. I look forward to meeting and working with you.

From my heart, I thank you.