Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop

Host by Monica Ljungberg-Öhrn

I give you my warmest Welcome to join this incredible workshop.
“The most important Journey we will ever take is the 18 inches from our mind to our heart”. Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim.
This is exactly what we are going to do during this workshop and much more.
The workshop contains Drunvalo Melchizedek´s entire life´s work. It holds ancient sacred wisdom from mystery schools in Egypt and indigenous tribes from all over the world, combined with the most recent scientific discoveries.
You will rediscover your Sacred Space and the Tiny Space of the Heart, where you will be interconnected to all life, the place of Oneness.
From here we can Dream a new reality for Mother Earth.
This is the most direct teaching about ascension.
Here is an outline of the workshop:
♥ Activate your beams of light.
♥ Open your third eye.
♥ Activate your Human Halo.
♥ Enter your Sacred Space of the heart.
♥ Reconnect with your Tiny Space of the heart.
♥ Activate your living MerKaBa field.
♥ Learn about how to create from the heart.

It is with the most humble honor I will assist you in remembering your true self.