Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Online half-day REFRESHER follow-up class for former ATIH participants

Viola Rose


249 ratings:

This 4 hour workshop/gathering is exclusively for former attendees of the full 4 or 5-day Awakening the Illuminated heart workshop. Anyone who has attended this FULL workshop with Drunvalo Melchizedek or any other certified teacher is welcome to attend this gathering Wednesday April 17th 1-5pm (PDT)
This is being offered by donation.
Tune into your beams of light, re-connect with your higher self, breathe prana, visit the sacred and tiny space of the heart, open your 3rd eye, do the Merkaba activation meditation and creation process again, discuss programming the Merkaba to be prepared for whatever is unfolding on this wild ride, and to help anchor the heart frequencies on Earth.

If you are inspired, or want to be re-inspired by this work, then Please join us!

IMPORTANT! Please message me at ViolaRose7@gmail.com to to register and also please mention which ATIH facilitator you attended the full Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop with and in what year. Attending a previous "Flower of Life" workshop, or "Earth, Sky Heart" workshop does NOT qualify any person to attend this gathering, only graduates of the full Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop.
After messaging me, I will respond via email with a ZOOM link and donation info.

This will be an interactive class and along with all the guided meditations and processes, and PowerPoint images, you will get to ask questions, be with other attendees, and have conversations together. This class is very valuable for attendees who have not revisited this material in a while and also for some very recent attendees to further clarify the information. I look forward to sharing this with you.

I also have many full 4 day ATIH workshops coming up online if you are interested in revisiting the whole workshop again. And some in person workshops near Sedona Arizona. More info on my website here: http://dreamthenewdream.blogspot.com/p/upcoming-events.html
Visit my ATIH teacher profile here: https://theschoolofremembering.com/teacher/ViolaRose
You can also read testimonials from many people who have taken this life-changing workshop with me here: http://dreamthenewdream.blogspot.com/p/testimonials.html
For more info and for questions or discussion please contact Viola Rose: ViolaRose7@gmail.com

I offer this refresher gathering 4 times per year so if you can't make this one and would like to be informed of the next, you can message me with your email address and I can add you to my once per month mailing list for future notifications. This event will NOT be recorded.
join my mailing list here: