Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Online 2 hour INTRODUCTION of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

Viola Rose


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Are you interested in the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek and would like to experience a shorter 2 hour online introduction before registering for and committing to a multi day workshop? Come learn about the power of living in your heart, activating your heart based Merkaba (Lightbody), and connecting to your Higher Self. Get your questions answered and connect with like hearted souls in this wonderful 2 hour introduction to the Awakening The Illuminated heart workshop.
$15 USD
Tuesday April 30th 12-2pm (PDT Los Angeles California time zone)

Please allow 24 hours after purchasing a ticket for me to respond to you with a ZOOM link for the class.

I offer this Intro class monthly, visit my website for more dates and times

This class is an opportunity to discuss and experience the connections between the Flower of Life, the power of your heart, and the Source of all. Learn directly about Drunvalo Melchizedek's new information, the heart based Merkaba, and participate in an experiential meditation journey into the sacred space of the heart, the place of Unity Consciousness.
Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, your inner spirit, your Higher Self, and open your Heart in a profound way. Our ancestors and elders remembered how to do this, and understood the importance of returning to our hearts and finding the peace, wisdom and knowledge residing here.

This class is an experiential journey, in a sacred container, so please do be on time and ready to begin promptly, thank you. However, it is fine if you need to leave before we are complete.

Viola Rose has been trained and certified personally by Drunvalo Melchizedek and has been teaching this work for the past 10 years. This meditation journey will be a sample of, and invitation to join the four day intensive she offers called “Awakening The Illuminated Heart”, and yet this intro class stands alone and is a wonderful experience unto itself and will give you useful tools you can use for years to come.

To learn more about Viola's passionate, joyful enthusiasm for this important life changing and upgrading work, visit her website www.heartandsoundhealing.com

This class is an experiential journey, in a sacred container, so please do be on time and ready to begin promptly , thank you. However, it is fine if you need to leave before we are complete.