Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Awakening The Illuminated Heart

June 20th - 23th, 2024

All the practices during our time together will help you to re-member and go back to yourself, entering the recordings, that are inside of you. The Heart is the entrance to these recordings, to your own potential, to who you are! Going back to the Heart is going back to where you belong, to your own centre. From there you will find the pattern to activate your body of Light - MerKaBa and become your own creator.

Drunvalo designed this course for you to:
1. Awaken the memory within, who you really are.
2. To remember your part of how all things in creation came into existence.
3. Exactly to remember how to enter into higher consciousness and Ascension.

💜 Day 1 – Remembering The Sacred Knowledge
* Setting a sacred and protected space for our gathering with an Opening Angel Ceremony.
* Creation, Relationship between Unity and Polarity, Love and Fear.
* Connecting Sacred Geometry, emotion and thought. We will learn about the Sacred Space of the Heart and the Tiny Space of Heart and why it is important to open the heart in order for Ascension to begin.
* Experiencing the heart space with White Tantra Tibetan practice.
* Unity Breath Meditation is a gentle and blissful way to feel connected through love with Mother Earth and Father Sun. Still used by indigenous people all over the world to establish the vibration of the Holy Trinity, it is your sacred key to entering the heart.
* Using Imagery from 6000 year old Kabbalah traditions in guided meditations, we will balance feminine and masculine energies within, preparing us for healing.

💜 Day 2 - Healing Day
* Belief patterns and how they are affecting our life and healing.
* 13 Chakra System, Lower Heart Chakra, Upper Heart Chakra and how they are related to Unity and polarity. Why Lower Heart Chakra is the key to healing.
* Why we use sound for healing and how they are related.
* Sound Ceremony Healing where the universal OM sound, together with our human compassion and love will blend to help release, suppressed emotional traumas and energy blockages. Beautiful, effortless and natural healing that is one of the most cherished highlights of the workshop.

💜 Day 3 – Experiencing the Tiny Space of the Heart
* Pyramid/Flower healing meditation, gradually reaching the pure essence hidden inside us.
* Dancing in darkness, brings confidence in sensing the fields of energy around and is a beautiful preparation for entering the heart.
* You are now ready to enter the Sacred Space of the Heart. Your intention will lead you to find the reason of your life here on Earth as written in the Akashic Records.
* Entering the Tiny Space of your Heart, the most Holy space in existence, will allow you to experience the field of unity of all life!
* The difference between creating from the duality of the brain vs. creating from the purity. and oneness of the heart. Why creating from the brain always has negative effects.
* Beams of Light, its history, spiritual tradition, science and of course, activation!

💜 Day 4 – Activation of the MerKaBa, Connection and Integration
On the last day we will connect everything we have remembered and practiced so far.
* Connecting Brain and Heart through a unique, fun practice. Alfa brain waves are generated in this union and the ‘baby’ born is the opening of the Third Eye. A halo appears around the head.
* Introducing historical, spiritual and scientific aspects of the MerKaBa, what it can do for you here in 3D and how to program it.
* All the preparation is done for the most exciting moment: Activating the MerKaBa – The Human Light Body! The new way of activation becomes natural, permanent and complete, as
its activation source is the Unity and Love in the Tiny Space of the Heart.
* Remembering one of the most natural ability you have: How to create using the Creation Process Meditation.
* Closing Ceremony.

For more detailed description, please see https://www.heartascension.com/atih-workshop

It is my true honour to guide you how for first time to be in your Sacred and Tiny Heart, activating your Body of Light Merkaba! Experience Universal Love, connecting all Life everywhere in Great Oneness! 💜

Join me for a life changing weekend :)
DATE : June 20th - 23th, 2024 ( Thursday to Sunday)
TIMES: 9am - 6pm, Belgrade Time
VENUE: Private Residence

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION by May 20th, 2024 will save you $13 from the full tuition of €333.
Deposit of $100 is required to hold a place for you in this workshop. Please, email to request Registration Form.

Also please, email me for detailed INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO PREPARE, so you will have deep and profound experiences during the workshop!


Also please, email me for detailed INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO PREPARE, so you will have deep and profound experiences during the workshop!


Camellia Val Tatchev:
camelliatatchev@hotmail.com, Telegram +1 905 617-5123 or What's Up +359 87 710-4562

To attend any Workshop or Event, all participants must enrol with the School of Remembering first.There will be one time fee of $14.99.

If you are a student or coming as a couple, or if you are repeating the workshop with the same teacher, and also if you prefer to pay in several instalments, please contact Camellia Val for the special rates.

Jennifer Peck at Jan 22, 2024
This was life changing, and Camellia’s gentleness and genuine warmth made it extra wonderful. It was a beautiful balance of sacredness, joy, and connection, not easy to create in an online setting, but she did it. I feel like a different person and I’m so grateful. Thank you 💚

Mary Elizabeth Ashton at Jan 20, 2020
WOW!!!! Camillia is an excellent teacher. This is the third time attending the atih workshop. The feminine energy is sooooo..... much stronger , smoother, and complete. You can feel the change since 2012. I wish to thank all the participants for the love, light and laughter thru my tears of happiness. My heart is singing!! I would highly recommend Camellia as a guiding light in this ascension process. You are all, forever, in my heart. In love and light, Mary E. Ashton

Gail Eastmond at Apr 26, 2019
My experience with Camellia and the group is unforgettable. Camellia aura is angelic and so healing I just had to ask her for a hug from the first day. I am forever changed by discovering my tiny space in the heart, a whole world of possibilities is at my fingertips. The space she created allowed me to surrender and feel loved enough to share with the others what was unfolding inside of me. Through her Drunvalo’ s teachings leapt off the page and were brought to life. Much blessings on her and her work with Drunvalo. Namaste Gail

Peter Bulliard at Feb 24, 2015
Camellia is an EXCELLENT instructor!! Words fall short. She was born to do this work! Passion, professional, and caring for all in her training...she makes sure that her students have a full understanding of Drunvalo's material. She is detailed oriented and transmits details to her students. She teaches directly from Drunvalo's agenda and delineates her experience from Drunvalo's. I would highly recommend taking a training with Camellia. This is the second training that I take as I will become an ATIH trainer myself so my focus was keen, to say the least, during the training! As I stated prior; Passion, Professionalism, Gentleness, Animated, and Caring are simply a few characteristics that Camellia exudes!!

Cam Johnston at Sep, 2014
"Camellia is a truly gifted teacher. We all know gifted spiritual people who try as they might do not completely live their teachings. Camilla is not one of these people. Camilla lives and breathes what she teaches. She lives in heart and teaches from it. This is evident in all that she does. Her ability to create and hold space is amazing ensuring comfort for all. Her personal insights and coaching through the workshop allowed all participants to fully optimize their experience."

....and more comments here:

💜 Let's walk on our path of Light together to create the New Earth in harmony! 💜