Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Online half-day REFRESHER follow-up class for former ATIH participants

Viola Rose


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This 4 hour workshop/gathering is exclusively for former attendees of the full 4 or 5-day Awakening the Illuminated heart workshop. Anyone who has attended this FULL workshop with Drunvalo Melchizedek or any other certified teacher is welcome to attend this gathering Saturday November 2nd 10am-2pm (MST)
This is being offered by donation.
Tune into your beams of light, re-connect with your higher self, breathe prana, visit the sacred and tiny space of the heart, open your 3rd eye, do the Merkaba activation meditation and creation process again, discuss programming the Merkaba to be prepared for whatever is unfolding on this wild ride, and to help anchor the heart frequencies on Earth.