Drunvalo Melchizedek presents The School of Remembering®

Lu Ka

Certified Teacher approved by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Lu Ka


517 ratings:


Lu Ka's near death experience at the age of 11 opened up for him a
whole new world of perspectives and a merging with his higher self. This
experience was a catalyst for his later spiritual practices, shamanic
journeys and working with sacred geometries. Slowly he remembered his
mission here on Earth and some of his other lives and parallel

The ongoing quest for personal alchemy led him to always go deeper in
living from the heart. He is a spiritual innovator and is dedicating
most of his life to studying and teaching the workshops where we
remember what we already know and who we really are.

In 10 years he facilitated more than 300 multi-day workshop
containers, led more than 20 sacred journeys to Egypt, South, Central
and North America, and worked in a group or one-on-one with more than
2500 students or individuals on this planet. His passion is always
deepening his understanding of the universal truths, briging the dots
together, personal transformation and embracing the light and the dark
as equal parts of life's equation.

He is a walker of his talk, navigator of dreams, heart mentor,
awakener of the truth, shaker of perceptions, lover of universal

His main teaching focus is the master workshop called »Awakening the illuminated Heart«, which he presented more than 200 times in 12 different languages and on 5 continents. He is the author of »Shamamic Heart Healing«
multi level workshop, which includes many facilitators around the world
he has trained, sharing this transformational body of work. His
enchantment with Sacred Geometry led him to create a multi dimensional
deep dive multi day event called "Sacred Geometry of the Heart".
Dedicated in connecting the finite with the infinite, possible with the
impossible, daily dreams with nightly dreams, he created his own »Images of the Heart« workshops about dreams and imagery work. His »Awakening Heart Sacred Journeys« are the combination of all his work and dedication by visiting the sacred places of the ancient past.

He dedicated himself to be a brother to other brothers and sisters,
striving for clean and honest relationships with whoever he works with
and building a healthy embodiment of the Sacred Masculine by
participating in men's work.

Lu Ka sees the world as a balance of Love, Truth, Beauty, Harmony,
Peace, Trust and Respect to All life everywhere. He understands that
everyone is responsible for their own happiness and must work from
personal integrity, sovereignty and ownership. He dedicated himself to
healing the collective consciousness through personal reunion of Divine
Masculine and Divine Feminine, and by striving to be the embodiment of
the unified archetypal energies of One Spirit.

Lu Ka is a keeper of sacred space, nature lover, truth seeker and the catalyst of consciousness. At his 40th year of his life he made a decision to embrace celibacy and life in solitude.



- Lu Ka completed Drunvalo’s School of Remembering® in 2013 and is a licensed teacher of the workshop Awakening the Illuminated Heart®.

- Lu Ka is an author of the "Shamanic Heart Healing®"
workshops which extends from beginner Level 1 to teacher training Level
5. - He has also assisted on Drunvalo's new workshops: "Cosmic Grace - Return to Source!" and "The Way to Do is to Be".

- He has facilitated more than 200+ "Awakening the illuminated Heart®" workshops and more than 100+ "Shamanic Heart Healing®" workshops, and many more Sacred Geometry of the Heart and Images of the Heart workshops. Occasionally he creates smaller events and one day workshops.

- Lu Ka has led more than 20+ "Awakening Heart Sacred Journeys" to Egypt, Sedona AZ, Peru and other sacred locations.

- Upon the call of the Higher Self he is also available for one-on-one private sessions, which include Shamanic Heart Healing®, Consulting and Imagery.


How Lu Ka describes his life today:

"I help people to remember what they already know. People
call me a teacher, but actually I am more of a catalyst of awakening. I
create workshops where we can remember and experience Oneness through
our Hearts. And I am doing what I was doing even before I came to this
planet, I am bringing people to sacred places to reconnect to their true
nature and to help them with their awakening."

Professional Website

Awakening Heart Moorea Journey 2024

2024-08-10 / Moorea

In addition to the Awakening Heart Egypt Journey, which explores the north (masculine) pole of the Earth Unity Consciousness grid (according to Thoth), we're now connecting to Moorea, a feminine energy island pearl in French Polynesia. Here, the south pole of the Grid representing the feminine aspec...


Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Ljubljana, Slovenia (2024)

2024-09-19 / Višja Vibracija

"The Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop’s purpose is to help you remember who you really are and what you are really capable of. How to overcome the limiting beliefs and reach an even higher state of consciousness. How to access and use the eternal wisdom of your heart, instead of what your ...


Awakening Heart Mexico Journey 2024

2024-09-30 /

Awaken your Heart in Yukatan – The Atlantis land of Maya
Info: https://www.awakening-heart.org/events/awakening-heart-mexico-sacred-tour-2024/
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/232083930036551...


Awakening Heart Egypt Journey - November 2024

2024-11-15 /

This will be our 14th AWAKENING HEART JOURNEY to EGYPT! We’ll be discovering the ancient sites from the South to the North, and we’ve booked many temples and pyramids privately just for us. Our journey will include Sacred space of the Heart meditations, ceremonial work, Sacred Geometry and Myste...


Peter Maas at Sep 14, 2021

Lu Ka - as young as he still is - teaches like master. With his knowledge and experience as a teacher as well as awakened heart brother, he gives a very good roadmap/perspective for us students to develop our own "abilities" and progress on our spiritual awakening path.

A DUNN at Apr 30, 2021

It was an incredible 5 days with LU KA. It’s more than words to said. So much LOVE, So much LIGHT. I can’t wait to do it again. LOVE!!!!!!




Alma Osmic at Jan 13, 2021

Thank you Lu Ka for the wonderful 5 day workshop. This was my first workshop with you and I absolutely loved it. Okay it was also because I love the topic but I really think you are a wonderful teacher and I hope to attend your other workshops!

Also, I was a bit sceptic at first having it online but after an hour or two I realised it's even better, because my home is where i feel most relaxed and safe :)

Thank you again for everything!

Kamila Smith at Jan 08, 2021

The ATIH workshop was absolutely amazing. The quality and quantity of the content was beyond my expectations! And Lu Ka, our teacher, did an excellent, heart-felt job of delivering the material in ways we all could understand. He is very patient and he really internalized the information. It is obvious that he makes everything he was teaching us part of his regular personal practice because he can explain it so well and in different ways. This was my first workshop and I am so glad I decided to do it with Lu Ka. I had no clue how his teaching style would be and it turned out so great. I was so worried about the cost being high for me at this time in my life and not getting value. Being from New York, I learned quickly that you don't get much value for your money, so I was really hesitant to sign up. Honestly, it was the best money I've ever invested in my spiritual journey. Thank you Lu Ka!

Kathaleen Yurchesyn at Jan 01, 2021


This course did not meet my expectations and in other ways exceeded my expectations.

Let s start with did not meet expectations: Based on the website, I was expecting 5 or 6 participants, and English language Only. Imagine my surprise when there are 39 participants and most don t speak English. I bring no judgement, this was not what I signed up for. I signed up for a small group format in English. The Korean participants were great, don t get me wrong. The problem is a lack of integrity in informing students the nature of the group one is joining.

I am a professional psychologist by trade and people need to work through process, it is through working through process that we can release our issues.

For example moving into the healings with an intent, an intent shared with a small group and having enough time afterwards to discuss in this regard with the small group. The groups was too big and the time to debrief was too short. I believe I commented “where s the fire?.’

For me, It was the ‘ best and worst’ for the reasons I have Outlined. The meditations were amazing. I see you as gifted but you know little about process.

Love you and I hope you will accept my feedback in the spirit in which it was sent, feedback for learning and growth.

Blessings RaSchel (K athaleen)

Yujie Jiang at Dec 30, 2020

Amazing lifechanging experience

Ashlee Reed Reed at Aug 15, 2020

It was a great experience and I learned and healed more than could have ever expected!!. Excellent teacher!

min ah kim at Jul 28, 2020

저를 깨어나게 이끌어주셔서 모두 감사드립니다. 제삶이 통합되는 경험이 지금까지 이어져 오고 있습니다.사랑합니다♡

martin kolatek at Jul 10, 2020

Ich bin so wunderbar in meinem Herzen angekommen. Seit dem Workshop nehme ich die Umwelt anders wahr. Wenn mein Verstand wieder etwas bewerten will, übernimmt mein Herz. Ich liebe die Meditationen und die Verbindung zu allem.

Herzlichen Dank für diese Erfahrungen,


Jacqueline Ping YU at May 27, 2020

This is an amazing course that I ever had in my life, I enjoyed very much and the experiences that I had over the course were tremendous that is very difficult to use words to describe. I strongly recommond this course and Luka who is such a warm hearted person, his teaching and personality is very sincere and loving.